
“Can We Stab You Every Week? Can We Stab You Every Week?”

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Good evening.

You know, I was trying to work it out. I mean, I’m Tottenham yet I don’t really feel that much animosity toward Arsenal. Now look, I’m 44 years of age so it’s not like I should be able to rustle up too many Aunty Wengeresque excuses. They are our supposedly immediate idiot neighbours. And that whole Sol thing.

But I think I’ve nailed it.

My ‘irrational’ contempt comes from my very first Spurs game. Bill Nicholson’s Testimonial at The Lane and bless the old man, he bought us a pair of seats in the West Stand Lower. We were living at the time in a place Bruxie knows well, Rhinedahlen, BFPO 4o if you please!

This wasn’t my first time at a football match, or indeed my first time at a large public event. But the West Ham fans were fierce. I mean proper fierce. Every moment of the bloke announcing various elements of the day’s celebration were marred by West Ham booing and screaming. Jumping up and down like the unwashed mentalists they still are today.

‘Good job they can’t get out’ I remember nervously saying to dad. He replied, ‘Oh don’t worry about them. Most of the stewards normally work full time at London Zoo, we’ll be fine!”

Warren Mitchell was the master of ceremonies that day.  On TV, Alf Garnett was a bigoted, racist West Ham fan. But that was acting. Mitchell was in real life, Tottenham of course. As he tried to speak, the Upton Park animals barked in earnest.


There was about 2 or 3 seconds of wonderful silence, then we – us – the Yids – the Tottenham  laughed. The whole stadium laughed. Oh how I loved that moment. My tribe had scented it’s territory. I nearly cried with a mixture of pride and relief. How things never change, eh?

So I am writing in the morning to Peter Herbert asking him what he plans to do about today. Or does the plight of whitey not count?

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  • East Stand says:

    You can’t blame a whole club’s support for a lunatic fringe with one brain cell to share between the 50 odd of them that make up their number. As generally unpleasant many of their support can be.

    For example the punk band ‘Cockney Rejects’ are 100% born and bred Spammers and are pretty rough diamonds to put it mildly but they’ve always rallied against the racist elements beginning in their youth in the late 70’s when casual racism and even nastier stuff was just an everyday thing. Not just within football support but the large right wing elements hijacking working class youth culture at the time. I suppose my point is, be careful to tar them all with the same brush.

    Lets also not forget Wet Spam have a reasonable number of Jewish fans themselves, they are the East End club. An area with as much Jewish history as North East London, if not more. I wonder what their Jewish support must think of it?

    This lot should be picked out and banned from football grounds for life. Peter Herbert will probably trot out another load of cliches if asked about today’s game to try and give the impression that his proposed ‘Black Players Union’ would in some way inclusive to others. It’s in the bloody name innit, you’re just an idiot Mr Herbert and you’re in way over your head. Leave it alone now before you embarrass yourself and the legal profession any further…

    • Ronnie Wolman says:

      Im Jewish I was from the east end.I used to go to games at Upton Park years ago during the week (sometimes they played on Mondays)
      I think the Jewish supporters even in the east end were mostly Tottenham or Arsenal but much more Tottenham.

      I think later when the firms started that their became a radical fringe at WH.
      Years ago it seemed like a friendly neighborhood club.

      Chelsea definately have a political group there.Ponce fascists.

      • East Stand says:

        I know that a lot of Tottenham and Arsenal’s Jewish support originates from all areas of London but there are still plenty of Jewish West Ham supporters and Chelski supporters. Would they prefer any reference to the Jewish religion be in the context some of their fans use it or the way ours use it? Let’s sort that disgusting nonsense out first shall we before turning on Spurs fans?

        When you hear the kind of brainless crap we heard today, don’t you think Mr Herbert and the ‘SOBL’ are rather picking a fight with the wrong club on this issue? David Badiel also, have a look at your own club and their shocking record on this stuff before prioritising having a go at Tottenham. Talk about miss the point… Anyway, all a bit complex really. The only part that isn’t is that those thick bastards should be banned, end of.

        • SpurredoninDubblin says:

          “I know that a lot of Tottenham and Arsenal’s Jewish support originates from all areas of London but there are still plenty of Jewish West Ham supporters and Chelski supporters”.

          The one thing I have always found to be consistent is their stupidity. As an example, there was the racist chants by Lazio in the first game every time Lennon got the ball, even though Lazio has black players. We know Wet Sham will have it’s Jewish support, but that wont stop them abusing Jewish supporters whilst explaining to his Jewish Wet Sham mate, that “all Yids are filth except for you”.

          Possibly the most famous example of this stupidity was the white woman who hated Muhammad Ali so much, that she attended most of his fights near ringside, and could be heard screaming “Kill the Nigger” throughout most of the fight, even though most of Ali’s opponents were themselves black.

          Then of course there is the KU Klux Klan in the US, which prides itself on it’s Christian values, though Roman Catholics need not apply. The ultimate irony of course, is that Christ couldn’t join either because he was a Jew.

          There is an old joke about the man who was complaining about immigrants. He says, “I am so fed up with all these immigrants, that I have half a mind to join the National Front, to which an immigrant replies, “You are well qualified then. Half a mind is all you need”.

          For all that, I cannot bring myself to hate Wet Sham supporters, because to do so, would be like hating someone because they are retarded.

  • david says:

    Was not at the game today but on t’internet, some of their supporters who say they were there are claiming their “hissing” was in fact a ssscchhh as in it’s quite at the Lane and having a pop at the home supporters for the lack of support.

    Anyone at the game today think there is any truth in this ?

    • harry hater says:

      yeah i thought it was that myself as it had gone quiet in the ground and i was thinking the same thing, as soon as i heard this being reported after the game i knew it was someone making a story out of nothing! and to be honest them singing Lazio is not that bad it is just sick that they would do it but nothing can be done or should be done as it is just really bad taste! we have certain songs for wenger or judas cnut who left us that are just as sick! still we had the last laugh :-)

      • Essexian76 says:

        I didn’t find anything they sung either surprising or unusual to be honest-it was just nice to shut them after an hour-bliss! Still can’t get rid of this grin though ;-)

  • John White's Ghost says:

    yes the ANL did that and Spurs Against the Nazis were there.

    Racist scum!

    They are all probably now in the Nazi EDL as well, pure shit

  • Quinny says:

    I feel sorry for them – they hate us and cite us their big rival but I’m not sure we really give a shit about them. They’re just a bunch of angry lads with an inferiority complex struggling to come to terms with their own insignificance in the modern game.

  • Boy Charioteer says:

    Chelsea fans booing Benitez before he’d even parked his a**e on a seat on MOTD.

    • melcyid says:

      the radio announcer had to ask them to be quiet as they were supposed to be respecting with silence for an old manager Dave Sexton who had just died. :shocked2: :sick: :cwy:

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