
Hotspur’s Hunches #13

Image for Hotspur’s Hunches #13

Good morning and welcome to the only online betting guide brought to you in association with Alcoholics Anonymous and Assisted Deaths (Enfield) Ltd. If this service was a noise, it would be that bugle blast that Ryan play everytime their planes land on time. Irritating and having no guarantee of accuracy about it.

Sunderland meet West Brom. For those of you trying to adjust your Premier League tables do not bother. The Baggies are indeed 3rd. Their away form isn’t good, however Sunderland don’t have any form worth discussing home or away. In the interests of football I’d like to see Steve Clarke put Martin O’Neil to the sword here but the threat of a tedious draw has to be the favourite. Prediction 0-2

Everton vs Norwich could potentially be a beyond dull game. Everton been playing what a 1950’s football commentator would call ‘some very spirited’ football this term but they seem to get bogged down against lesser sides. Hughts will be travelling knowing that a draw wouldn’t be the worst thing in the world. I think the King Of The Clipboard may just manage to stifle David Moyes. Prediction: 1-1

Manchester United take on QPR and this has got to be a fascinating fixture from a number of perspectives. If QPR get anything here then Mark Hughes’ dead duck of a managerial career will be well and truly cremated for all time. Arry Redschnapps the world’s leading Crisis Manager is a fox and looks not take charge until full time at the earliest. Prediction: 6-0

Stoke play Fulham and Wigan entertain Reading. If anyone watching either of these games is entertained I’ll be amazed. Predictions: 1-1 across the board.

Aston Villa face Arsenal and I can’t understand why Lambert who has so far sailed the good ship Villa into the relegation won’t play Bent. I’m no Bent fan, but desperate times call for desperate measures and right now the Brummies could do with a shin in or two. So this will either be a scrappy draw or a route, largely dependent upon what frame of mind the Gunners are in when they get off the coach. Prediction 1-4

Swansea vs Liverpool Another opportunity for Brendon Rodgers to drone on and on about respect, tradition, the fans …please shoot me now. I hope Swansea smash them. Prediction 1-1.

Southampton are at home to Newcastle and it’s looking like a long old season for Nigel Adkins. On the up side, the likelihood of him getting the bullet is very small. There’s no money and a team that have sadly been promoted beyond themselves. Pardew will be looking to cash in but Toon’s form is nothing to coo over. It’s a long coach ride back to Geordieland with anything less than 3 points. Prediction a coupon busting 2-1

Chelsea vs Man City and the generously proportioned waiter of Spanish decent will need a win or his own fans will tear him apart. Nice crowd. Family people. If your surname is Manson. The sad thing is I can see Chelsea wining this. The blue racists will as ever be wanting to show the world that the players call the shots and justify the bad mouthing that cost Bob Matthews his job. Prediction 3-1.

Tottingham and West Ham then. The hysteria from those who want AVB binned will reach a pitch that only dogs can hear if we don’t win this. A draw is unacceptable. To hell with having players. ‘Just get on with it and win, Mr Bean!’ God I’m sick of listening to the opinions of stupid people. If we don’t win I may make the next blog about this week’s Strictly Come Dancing. Prediction 2-1.

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  • Urbane Sturgeon says:

    Bin thinking; the only 3 managers I can remember, who during my lifetime developed a Spurs squad which looked the part, not just in cups but in the league, were David Pleat, Very Terribles(ok, 3rd, one season) and Harry Reddies, all of whose tenures were cut short due to issues not directly involved with on field performances. Terribles, at the end of his most successful season, was favourite for the Engerland job but was passed over and didn’t even make the 3 man shortlist due to ‘doubts about his probity’ and was eventually let go by Sir(ly) Alan for ‘business dealings’ issues, the details of which never saw the light of day. The 3 best managers league wise we chose all had personal Achilles heels.

    What is it with this club?

    • Essexian76 says:

      Oh,Mr Venables’ ‘dealings’ are there all right-If you look on YouTube you’ll find the Granada programme in 3 parts-I revisited it a while back and it’s interesting to say the least

      • Urbane Sturgeon says:

        Any chance of giving me a one or two sentence upshot? Wot dee do?

        • Essexian76 says:

          Well if TV ever offers you a 2nd hand car-don’t buy it mate-I’d sooner get one off Harry to be honest

        • mystic arnold says:

          I think it was the few things he DID Nt do that where the problem

        • Essexian76 says:

          There isn’t a short or concise way of posting the trials and tribulations of the man-It’s really best to watch the program and judge for yourself-If anything It’ll make you a little more mindful of why we as club were so close to being almost in a Portsmouth position-that it still makes me shudder-and we still get posters on here saying spend, spend spend!

  • Essexian76 says:

    I’ve also been thinking as to why the PL cannot arrange the fixtures so that all teams competing in Europe, play against each other in the weekend fixtures where applicable-it seems a little unfair both Wigan and now West Ham have a weeks break when we’ve had to traipse across Europe and play a fixture only three days before. There are 7 teams, sometimes 8, so it’s a workable idea.

    • hoofing says:

      Well after Thrusday effort im sure more calories were lost listening to Adele on thier Ipads on the trip to and fro.

    • BrizzleSpur says:

      The greatest teams in the world compete in many tournaments. If we ever have any hope of being a great Club then it’s something we need to emulate.

      • Essexian76 says:

        I Don’t disagree with that under normal circumstances, however we as a club are not currently able to field a side in Europe and the Prem and remain competitive in both-a point I made in August-HR got that 100% right last season as the Europa league should never take precedent over the PL in it’s current state. Quite frankly it’s just not worth the time and effort chasing it, let alone the potential for fatigue and the lack of financial incentive for doing well-If we go through there’s another possible 9 games-at a time when we really don’t need them clogging up the works

        • BrizzleSpur says:

          You’re right in that we don’t have the squad to perform well in both. But I don’t think HRs method was spot on. It made all the players that actually play it feel like they were just the deadweight being made to suffer it. I don’t think that breeds the mentality that a squad needs in order to succeed in any capacity.

          I would be up for being out of it all together tbh, but to be in it and not give it any enthusiasm is a bit weak imo. Besides, we do have fans in Europe that probably appreciate the competition more than we do.

          ATM it is a burden with key injuries and poor backup, but in general it’s a decent competition I think.

        • Essexian76 says:

          I see your point but disagree, but it’s only opinion as I saw it as the emergence of Carroll, Hendricks, Kane etc, getting an opportunity they’d have to on loan to get, and more importantly to see the likes of GDS prove once and for all they were not good enough for us.

  • Frontwheel 2 says:

    Lots of Arry talk,distressing

  • ed says:

    can i suggest we all wish ‘arry the best of luck at loftus road but remind him to be careful. malayan curries are the hottest anywhere and can seriously burn you up. maybe we should send him a good luck present, like clint dempsey on a free transfer so AVB can never select him again, i mean ever, ever, ever again!

  • the man from room five says:

    I for one am glad that HR got a job. we can now actually enjoy his press conferences!

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