
Leandro Damião Has Had A Dream

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And so dear reader the pitfalls of consuming cheese prior to turning in.

Longtime Tottingham target Leandro Dime Bar told Sao Paulo radio station UOL: “Every footballer dreams of playing at a club such as Real Madrid, but I am only 23 and there is plenty of time to take that step forward.

“Now is not the moment to be thinking of playing in Europe, I just want to continue improving and scoring goals.

“I have a contract with Porto Alegre, I love it here and do not feel the need to move away right now, although it is obvious that the day will come when I will leave Brazil to go and play in Europe.”

No sour grapes I promise you but I always felt this transfer speculation was botched together by the player’s agent and a media desperate for the next headline. At least we’ll know not to waste our precious time reading further guff on this guy in January I suppose. 

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  • rennix says:

    Forget AVB… the buck (as mentioned before) doesn’t stop there.

    While Levy is in charge we will always be ‘also-rans’.

    Because he doesn’t speak, people think Levy doesn’t do anything else either. Like buy cr*p players and hire sh*t managers. Clever. Under the radar.

    This is a guy (Levy in case you’ve lost him under the radar) who doesn’t learn from his mistakes: Gross, Santini, Ramos … oh, dear looks like we might be adding AVB. Believe me – I hope not.

    This is a guy (Levy in case you’ve lost him under the radar) whose transfer policy is like someone going to Walthamstow Market, when the stalls are packing up, in the hope of picking up a bargain … it doesn’t matter if he needs or wants it – it’s a bargain, right?

    Probably a sh*it analogy but you get my drift.

    Yeah the buck stops there – with Levy.
    The buck REALLY stops there.
    ACTUALLY stops – there (with Levy in case you’ve lost him under the radar).

    • Stupot says:

      Levy has been in the real estate/property market throughout his business life. I think that his valuation of a footballer must NEVER be more than a 14 bedroom mansion in Surrey. Which generally market at 16 million on rightmove etc. No human should cost more than real estate oi.

  • Nabeel says:

    Last season, we had a creative midfield, with Luka and VDV, we sold our creativity for Dempsey?

    • StrappingYoungLad says:

      No because we was forced to sell.
      Get with the programme

      • Stupot says:

        VDV I feel could have been prevented. I thought he cold be captain. Showed great tenacity and i’ll miss him forever. True Yid. Rafa god bless. TTFN

        • essexian76 says:

          ‘True Yid’-anymore superlatives Stu like get ’em while they’re ‘ot-they’re loverly’ The guy was playing you like an old fiddle…he did FA last season-every decent performance we had-he, you’ll note wasn’t playing-you’re confusing a scorer of the odd great goal with a great player-and there’s a world of difference

    • essexian76 says:

      Oh for heavens sake-there’s an acute difference between selling and wanting to sell-we had no choice with Modric, whether Harry stayed or was sacked, Modric was leaving- As for VDV,10m for a crock wasn’t too shabby a deal-the only departure I’m sad about was Krankie, because many of our current problems would’ve been lessened if he’d stayed-but that’s football

  • StrappingYoungLad says:

    I bet most people wanting him at spurs and singing his praises have never even seen him play.

    “hes brazilian aint he so he must be fackin gud”

  • Qoizu says:

    HH, we do not need another striker!! We need creative midfielders that can retain possession of the ball!
    F.C.Porto is doing a brutal start to the season (Portuguese league and CL). The work of moutinho has been brilliant.
    AVB had an excellent plan when he signed for Spurs: sandro, dembele, parker, moutinho sig and vdv.
    Unfortunately the plan b (levy’s plan) was different.

  • mille147 says:

    Ive seen Damiao play dozens of times…nothing more than a poacher and we’ve got one of those already. Overhyped brazillian that would wilt in England.

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