
Player Ratings – ‘The Referee’s A Wonker’ Edition

Image for Player Ratings – ‘The Referee’s A Wonker’ Edition

Quite a kerfuffle, then.

The first half was certainly more watchable than the second. But the whole gig was undermined by a referee that I predict if you  call him in a years time you’ll hear, ‘Hi Dominoes, Marc speaking…’ on the other end of the phone.

Ratings then…

Gomes 6 Little to do

A&E 8 As good as it gets. Nice work, fella.

Begbie 6 Attacking, but his passing was ‘iffy’.

Gallas 5 Couple of decent moves, but looks a bit pants.

Kaboul 8 Defensively – extremely good stuff.

Azza Blud 7 Played very deep and his tracking back was often immense.

Sarge 5 Largely the victim of a rather retarded Ref.

Modders 8 Not a luxury player, Smith you tool…

Bale 8 Wot No Hattrick? Bale Out!

VdV 8 Class act.

Crouch 5 Achieved little. A poor Ref, but he failed to move on from that fact.

Sandro 6 …but should almost certainly command 7’s and 8’s in future.

Pav 4 Not a dig. I love the chap, but he produced schnichts.

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  • cashmoney says:

    the problem is whilst JD is out we have 3 average strikers, none of which are up to scratch. vdv is clearly most effective when playing the roaming role, so why did HR switch to a 4-4-2. Surely it is better to play with 1 average striker rather than 2…

    • DAVID says:

      And why make us weaker by putting Bale on the right when he made the subs ?
      They had Neville and Coleman on Bale for most of the game but after we switched Bale to the right, they took Coleman off and replaced him with Beckford which should have meant Bale would have a clear run at Neville, if we switched him back to the left. But we left him on the right. Why ?
      Wasted chance I’m afraid.
      Kaboul looks decent and Modders had a better game.
      Hope Defoe will provide a decent foil for VDV.

  • peterballb says:

    Since people are going to throw around stats without context, here is the context. Last year Pav scored .6 goals every 90 minutes for Spurs (5 goals in 8-90 minue games), Defoe .6 goals per 90 minutes played (18 in over 28). Keane .4 goals per 90 minutes played (5 in over 12) and Crouch .33 goals per 90 minutes played ( 8 in over 24). This season Crouch’s number is basically the same as is Keane’s. Pav’s is at .68 or something goals per 90 minutes played. Crouch still has not scored in the EPL this season and but for 3 goals against Young Boys has been useless. You point to the assist. He jumped for a cross and it hit him on the knee, then the chest then the arm then in to VDV’s path. No doubt he meant to do it. He’s a striker, he’s meant to score goals. He doesn’t. He’s an impact sub who destroys football. VDV knows which side of his bread is buttered. He’ll be saying how he loves playing with Defoe the day he gets back from injury. Crouch is the third best option but number 1 in Harry’s hear, so he plays. Almost 1100 minutes and 4 goals. ore time on the pitch than all the others combined. Pav has 5 goals in just over 600 minutes. But still Kranjcar, Bentley and others sit. I’m sure they’ll all get their chance against ManU and Inter. Oh wait, no they won’t. CL team at home against a team that scores 1 goal a game and are missing their MVP and, to some, it was always going to be a draw. I don’t know if that says more about Spurs or Everton. Another largely insipid match. COYS

  • spurlative says:

    I’m tired of analyzing and complaining about crouch. It doesn’t seem to get us anywhere. I just wish he would go away. Krankie shouldve definitely started ahead of bale. We was tired and they marked him out the game. No tactical awareness from harry there. Sandro should be ahead of palacios going forward. I won’t lie to you I never thought wilson was all that fantastic. Yes he helped us out, but maybe he is suited in teams fighting relegation? Curse curse.
    We should have won today really…

  • fatlad says:

    peter crouch = 1 useless cu*t

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