Champions League

Player Ratings

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I’m not sure I enjoyed that.

Fifteen minutes of public humiliation followed by having to watch a loved one emerge from a coma.

It gives me no pleasure to refer to my last blog and mumble under my breath, I told you so. This is a territory usually occupied by w*ankers. But the reality is, whatever Arry’s tactical intentions were or were not, the weakest element in the equation was undoubtedly Tottenham’s defense.

Here are my ratings. Tell me yours.

Gomes 2

Was it a penalty? Yes it was. Daft challenge. Amateur night from the Octopus.

Hutton 3

Looked unfit. Off the pace and … Hungover?

Gallas 3

I overlooked his murky past as he was a top notch footballer. I was done. Anonymous. Again.

Bassong 3

Another Invisible Man. Not the required standard.

A&E 5

He did little wrong, he was simply outplayed.

Azza Blud 6

A game where duff crosses cost the most. He’s not on form.

Jenas 6

Not a bad shift. I may be coming close to giving him a break.

Huddlestone 4

King of the ball watchers.

Bale 10

He scores 3 when we’re 4-0 down. Bar turning water into wine, what more could he have done?

Modders – beyond me why he was the one to come off. Should have been Hudd.

Crouch 4

Just didn’t achieve anything.

Palacios 5

Efficient but no huge impact

Keane 5

Another not very super sub.

Cudicini 6

What a horrible game to be hurled into.

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  • spurlative says:

    Im taking this from the last blog…afraid it would be lost in cyberspace forever.

    I have had a love hate relationship with Ledley King in the past…it recently became true love. But now again, im left thinking that he should just get out while he still has his reputation. If not for his sake, but rather the sake of the club.
    Sometimes you have to wonder if he is actually now taking the piss. Obviously Harry will back him and use him where he can, but does Ledley not have dark thoughts of how much damage he might also be doing which to a large degree does cancel out the good?
    Its not that i dont mind him being around, but its the fact that he is relied on too much. In terms of World Class, it has to be considered that he well and truly should simply be replaced. Stick him on the bench. At least he’ll always be avaialable then.

    We’ve tried to patch it up with Gallas. Poor Caulker is not even around to take much needed advice from these greats. Bassong needs a bazooker up his arse and Kaboul must stop getting injured just when it looks like he is about to be important for us.

    Considering our unique dispositions up front and at the back, we truly have done quite well.

  • DelusionalGrandeur says:

    All 1 except bale who gets 138,452,001.

  • DelusionalGrandeur says:

    Oh, and Van der Vaart gets a 9 (he dropped a point becuase he wasn’t playing)

  • tony says:

    it was terrible to watch in the first half.they played like they were on a different planet.tom is overated.cant true c/h.crouch was blamed for heading over.please anyone who recorded this watch lennon cross the was too high for many games have spurs been behind,at the start, play with 10 men against such a strong team is impossible(even with 11)we are playing without a striker and no c/h.bale bless him ,will give every spurs supporter a life time memory.

  • jim says:

    most of you idiots seem to think that we should be able to get a result at inter milan. What planet are you on?? Our club seriously suffers from over expectation and this is the exact kind of thing i am reading above.
    For gods sake, yes we lost but we scored 3 away in Milan with 10 men !!! we should all be proud of the boys. Yes we froze in the first half but thats to be expected, we have never been at this level before. Well done Spurs, at least Im proud of you !!!

    • JamieSpurs says:

      Don’t think anyone is saying they weren’t proud of the boys last night are they?

      What I do see are plenty of people pointing out some serious deficiencies in defence.

      • MaddySpurs says:

        I would agree. Some pretty pathetic comments up there. Put the start down to inexperience and a little awe.

        Take heart from the fight in the second half. It will be a very different game at the Lane and we are still in a great position to qualify. Something we could only dream of over summer!

        Keep your heads high and BIOYC!

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