
Prematch Prattle Yanited Away

Image for Prematch Prattle Yanited Away

Good morning my dears.

It’s been a very long time since Spurs won at Old Trafford. In fact some of the very fresh faced amongst you weren’t even born.

It’s a crumb of comfort that we frequently play some of our brightest football against Manure, but all too frequently walk away pointless.

The set up isn’t a complicated one. We are seemingly incapable of scoring via our strikers. My fear is that we don’t have a more sophisticated plan than knock downs from 3MP. If that is Arry’s strategy then…

Hernandez is rapidly entering territory whereby folk will be calling him free-scoring. The rat faced Bulgarian’s form has improved. whether the little rodent can ‘do it’ against us will itself be the cause of at least four and and half thousand Saturday night headlines.

Let’s have a look at the betting eyecatchers…

Bale and Crouch seem long prices for anytime goalscorer. 4/1 and 3/1 respectively. Long shot of long shots – Spurs to win with a long shot 17/2. Cautiously optimistic would describe an away win by the margin of just one goal and that vends at 11/2 which suddenly looks like a sensible place to head for.


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  • Jazz15c says:

    Lets not worry about them, let them worry about us. Let them worry about keeping VDV, Modric, Bale and Lennon quiet – there’s enough there to unlock any defence.

    Expecting Brown at RB in a vague attempt to handle Bale’s searing pace, Lennon almost always roasts Evra for fun, and Pav has had some very decent outings against the Manc slags (although Harry seems to prefer Crouch)

    This may sound like a silly statement, but if we concede no more than 1 goal, we will win the game (you know what I’m trying to get at). These lot should not be feared anymore.

    Fucking run through the bastards!

  • Ned says:

    Hutty Gally Kabby Benny
    Lenny Moddy Huddy Balery
    VDVy Crouchy

    COYS !!

  • Sid Trotter says:

    G’day. I do declare that this will be a match unlike any other. And not just because it is the only match of its kind taking place at that time and in that location. No.

    It will be a match like no other because we will win it by virtue of a hatrick of won goals by Berbatov – who feeling guilty for leaving us becomes 1st choice Yanited keeper for the day and deliberately let our shots in.

    Yes, I remember that Mendes goal well

    And as Heston Blumenthal would say ‘let’s shove a carrot up their jacksie’

  • Mick_N says:

    United 3 – Spurs 1
    uniteds first to come from comedy defending, followed by 2 from bad decisions / cheats only for us to come back fighting when it’s just too late and Bale to get a screamer just to give oul red nose an even bigger horn for him.

    Prove me wrong you berks!

  • jolsgonemental says:

    we arent allowed to win at United. Ability, tactics, performance do not apply. They need a goal they will be given one, we score one they will be given one.

    2-1 them.

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