
Bale Does It 21 Times In 2 Minutes

Image for Bale Does It 21 Times In 2 Minutes

This whole Bale love in has been bordering on that Python sketch. He innocently leaves some Kenesio tape on the changing room floor one minute and 30 seconds later someone’s clutching ‘a sign’.

Bale’s extraordinary arrival could be just what the doctor ordered.

I don’t mean in respect of what he achieves on the pitch and all that mallarky, rather the way Spurs are perceived. If this lad can hold his resolve, if Levy & Co can ensure they do their bit and not act with so much dispassion that it allows the boys’ head to be turned, then this could be a pivotal moment for the Tottinghams.

For some time it has grated me that we have essentially been a selling club. Yeah,yeah I know there is a list of players we have managed to hang on to, but please – none of them have quite caught the eye of others like those who did abandon us.

No matter how high the regard we hold Azza Blud or anyone else for that matter, they have not had a queue around the block of suitors waving carrier bags of used notes.

But Bale is doing a bloody good impression of, ‘the real deal’ so this is our chance to send out a message that the days of  Carrick, Berbatoss and PSB are behind us.

The prattle will commence in earnest this afternoon. Honest. And on a not entirely unrelated housekeeping matter can I apologize to anyone who emailed me on my new address or indeed the old one of late. Both appear to be made of cheese. Normal service will be resumed and I wasn’t being rude.

Oh yes, decent response to the comp yesterday – looks like most of you got it wrong. Apart from Toddspurs.

Clip stolen from the excellent 101 Great Goals.

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  • Bruce Castle says:

    i’d love to see charlie playing again

    • Steveo1987 says:

      You talking about drugs and sh**T again?

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      It makes you ponder. Kaboul was ‘rubbish’ yet returned a new man. I too hope that Charlie gets a similar revival.

      • trembly says:

        Thing is HH, I don’t think that Charlie was ever ‘rubbish’. He’s got excellent positional sense, and is a very good right back, except for his failings of lack of pace and strength in the air. BAE and Bale have a great understanding down the left, and Charlie and Azza had that down the right. Whilst as a pair, Benny and Gaz have a more attacking edge to them, they are now also quite secure defensively. I think that’s where Hutton and Azza doesn’t quite work as well as Azza and Charlie does. More secure defensively means more confidence in attack.

  • Steveo1987 says:

    The nice thing about having the Boy Bale on the left is…… it takes the pressure off the right side. It used to be all about the right side with Azza Blud and Bentley (when he played last season).
    That’s no disrespect to Modders and Krankie when they played on the left because they were not playing as out and out left wing type geezers. I think what I am saying is there will be less pressure on a certain Mr Bentley on the right side.Hopefully with this less expectancy Bentley can perform well. Anyway I like Bentley. Ok, he hasn’t got any pace – but he offers something different.

  • Kojac says:

    krank isn’t a left winger is he,

    i think we should just play our best team and get the job done,

    but i’d play 3 in the middle as i would at utd,someone in the hole and two upfront,full backs making width,sandro is made for that type of midfield if you ask me

    • Steveo1987 says:

      Is Sandro any good? He’s just a promising youngster. If he wasn’t Brazilian he would be in the same group as Livermore et al. He looks like a yellow card waiting to happen. A bit like Private Wilson (who has been reduced to the ranks). Unfortunately, I think Wilson has served his purpose and is army surplus. I think what you have seen is all you get and that’s not good enough now.

      • onedavemackay says:

        “Is Sandro any good?”

        Well he’s already made 3 full international appearances for Brazil and captained Brazil to the under 20s South American Cup so that kinda suggests he is at least ‘good’.

        The little I’ve seen of him he looks the part. He’s very strong, seems to have a bit of pace and can pass the ball. My prediction is he’ll turn out to be a top defensive midfielder once he learns how to stop picking up yellow cards.

      • Kojac says:

        i know what you mean,but if bale is not playing for example i’d like to see a modric,thud sandro mid 3 vdv and 2 strikers

        of course i see no reason not to play bale

        i wouldn’t pack wilsons bags yet,look at je**s they have their uses

        looking forwardto seeing what harry plays later

        • onedavemackay says:

          Jenus is playing as consistently as he ever has and I agree that Wilson is still useful.

          Arry does seem to bring the best out of most players

  • mullingarspur says:

    tomos X1

    begbie gallas kabull bae
    krankie thudd jj bale

    away win 2-1. COYS.

  • Bruce Castle says:

    I’d like to see Ohara, Charlie, Bentley and defoe get a game. We have a decent squad. We can play them and rest the rest. Can’t we?

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