
Bentley’s Revealing Tweets

Image for Bentley’s Revealing Tweets

They reveal he is actually an imbecile. Here’s some examples to whet your appetite…

david bentley
@davidbentley11 david bentley
Cider beer or vodka what a choice
david bentley
davidbentley11 david bentley
Why wasn’t the world made with 36 hour days , 10 hours sleep , work, party , golf , tennis so much easier and relaxed its a dream
david bentley
davidbentley11 david bentley
Just seen a man on sky news in a typhoon in thailand trying to ride a bike what is he thinking so funny !!!
david bentley
davidbentley11 david bentley
I might do an online dragons den anyone got some ideas or inventions
david bentley
davidbentley11 david bentley
when are they going to invent flying cars I thought fifth element days where upon us
david bentley
davidbentley11 david bentley
Ask yourself this question deep down inside do you take happiness from people being successful or unsuccessful
david bentley
davidbentley11 david bentley
The bloke that’s on facebook acting as me is a nob it aint me
david bentley
davidbentley11 david bentley
Love the start of films that are dreamworks with the boy sat on the moon

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  • ken says:

    that can’t be him. A public figure acting like that! If it is him, what an idiot! If he thinks some guy riding a bike is funny, his attempt at playing football is even funnier, well it would be if i wasn’t a spurs fan!

  • Trembly says:

    Sorry HH.

    Can’t abide by this. To call him an ‘imbecile’ is a bit below the belt for me. If theperson really doing these updates is actually him, then so what? The concept of Twatter and so on are purely for people to say short snippets of things if they so wish. I’m not a fan of it personally, as there are more important things to do…erm like perusing and responding to articles posted on blog sites. But none the less, these lines are harmless and seemingly light hearted.

    I’ve never been his biggest fan, but the biy has scored for us, and could yet be an excellent player if he cuts out the nonsense and is more efficient, and thoughtful with his play.

    He’s probably a bit down that he’s not getting to play regularly, but whilst he’s there, I ain;t gonna be kicking him unless his performance (or lack of) when called upon, deserves it.

    Besides, personally I’ve always slightly favoured Golden Delicious over Granny Smiths.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Imbecile is harsh, I admit. I like Twitter for nicking information from real hacks and getting a flavour of stadiums and matchdays. Not crazy about ‘Just gone downstairs LOL!!!’ type stuff.

    • toddspur says:

      well said Trembles

      I,m afraid Tweeting is for those with too much time on their hands….the affliction of the common footballer and bored housewives whose hubbies dont f**k them anymore

      I’d rather talk footy

    • Tel says:

      Trembles, I agree,

      Why can’t people in the public eye make harmless comments on a website?

      Unless he is doing a Barren Dent and involving the club in his tweets as a means to further his career or have a go at the club or something like that, i couldnt give a toss

      I take the dutch view on this sort of thing – If you don’t want to hear what he has to say, you can stop following him…

      I was in amsterdam staying with my mates uncle and after some dutch soap opera finished, a porno came on! I said:
      ME: ‘What the hell is that doing on the telly at this time?’
      MY MATES UNCLE: ‘If you don’t want to watch it you can always change the channel’
      ME: ‘That’s unbelievable!’
      MMU: ‘Does it offend you?’
      ME: ‘No, it’s f*ckin brilliant!’
      MMU: ‘Well shut up then’


  • locospur says:


    why in the world did he start at sunderland if we had healthy Kranjcar on the bench? i’d rather see Cudiccini on the right wing than that slow depressing clown.

    • jfdit says:

      give the boy a break, he played well last season after lennon got injured and no doubt helped us get 4th place.

      I think he needs to keep his play more simple rather than the fancy flicks but the last thing he needs is spurs fans digging him out whenever he gets on the pitch

  • Ned says:

    Didn’t want us to buy him in the first place but if we gave Bentley a striker to aim at like Kevin Davies he would have a bunch of assists and a reason to be at the club.

  • seattlespursguy says:

    “Onions is all I eat”

    “My cat’s breath smells like cat food”

    “Now is the winter of our discontent. LMAO!”

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