
We Done ’em.

Image for We Done ’em.

So my penalty in the 2nd half thing from the previous blog came true.

This officially means I am able to predict the future. Ish. A bit. Maybe.

At last, I can dump you schmucks that have always held me back – get my own TV show and concentrate on be a regular on This  Awning, er This Morning… like that clinically obese schwarzer that is now chuckling/sweating up the jungle on ITV.

Am I on TV yet?

Here’s the goals, my friends…

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  • Ned says:

    Classic monent when the winner went in Bale and Rafa ran to Harry to give him a kiss and Harry said Nooooooooooooooooo!

  • benspur says:

    WE DONE EM HELL YEAH watched the game with my goon brother and let him know all about it hahaha COYS

  • Kieron says:

    Hats off to Harry, honestly the way he knew deep down gallas was going to get boo’d and get abused and gave him the captains armband to up his sprits was fantastic. Nasri snubbing him for the handshake absolute joke! he carrys on being a little twerp.. Came back to backfire on him.

    Just think our never die attitude is fantastic, manchester united esc? loving it.

  • Snap says:

    ‘cesc you retard’

    ‘bunch of little bitches’

    ‘as long as wenger’s still our manager this shit will continue to happen’

    ‘This defeat hurts more than any I can recall’

    Just a few of the comments by gooners on Arseblog – don’cha just love ‘em!

  • DAVID says:

    Seemed they thought they would put Bale out of the game by hacking him. 3 yellow cards, all for fouls on him.
    Hope Wenger will complain about this as he has always had a lot to say about flair players being kicked out of the game.

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