
Chelsea Indoors The Pre Match Prattle

Image for Chelsea Indoors The Pre Match Prattle

Given then the unchecked rage that yesterday’s blog caused amongst 3 people who demanded a no nonsense approach to football blogging, today’s blog will be in Latin.


I’m revocare contendunt Chelsea quando ita picking matura. Nosedived habet formam et ut spem Loth et dissimulare pro abi jugularis. Satis sum si fidem possemus Post quam duos current bunch, id solum non habent propositum Cheatski more referri.

Van der Vaart out, sicut omnes, ut id facerem … Sed libet Psa habitant erit deficiebat.

Sicut multi lusores Defoe tempus eget mojo obtinet post opus abest. Sed revera trat in spe si calces’s positive inesse cras. Nec est ut mittatur game cerritulus offsides per.

E A mea custodiam etiam-list. I’m aeger taedio inconveniens. Hic Guido eius diei absoluta qualitate. Sed poenis et concedendo free FATUUS trat moris est supra iam per iocum. Ludus Dominico inquit, nos defendere adgressus optime sicut feceramus feria.

Right. Ut miseretur animas erit.

De sponsionibus supererit Gareth Bale sunt nostri ut Goalscorer First VI / I, ut quisquam Modders Goalscorer VI / I, si credis recte bookies et nos score primum gutta defuerunt qui est vincere XVII / II.

And English…


I’m struggling to recall a time when Chelsea were so ripe for the picking. Their form has nosedived and let’s hope that out lot ignore this and just go for the jugular. I’m pretty convince that if we could get two past this current bunch, they simply don’t have the usual Cheatski resolve to come back.

Van der Vaart is out, as are all the usual suspects… But I’d like to dwell on the chaps that will be running out.

Defoe like many players needs time to get his mojo working after an absence. But I really hope it kicks into gear if he’s to feature positively tomorrow.

Defoe like many players needs time to get his mojo working after an absence. But I really hope it kicks into gear if he’s to feature positively tomorrow. This isn’t a game to be thrown through daft offsides.

A&E is also on my watch-list.  I’m sick and tired of the inconsistency. This guy ‘on his day’ is absolute quality. But his conceding idiotic penalties and free kicks routine is beyond a joke now. On Sunday’s game he says, ‘ we have to defend very well and attack like we did on Tuesday.’

Right. And may God have mercy upon our souls then.

Bets of the day for me are Gareth Bale to be Our Frst Goalscorer 6/1, Modders as an Anytime Goalscorer 6/1 and if you believe the bookies are right and we will score first, a drop of that But Fail To Win is 17/2.

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  • Spurlative says:

    Charlie must start ahead of Begbie. He is a much better defender. Especially if Lennon is playing as Charlie and lennon compliment each other imo.

    Starting Dawson might be considered a risk for this game. I know its at home, but its chelsea. Maybe bazooker and billy g can continue.

    I would like to see Sandro start ahead of palacios. I realise that can be a risk too, but i dont have much faith in Palacios. Without Lampard, Chelsea have attacked much more from the wings this season with malouda and kalou
    Drogba wil need to be marked out the *&^@ out of and we will be fine.
    the formation is key. 4 -4 – 2 will win us this game.


    Corluka Gallas Bassong BAE

    Lennon Modric Sandro Bale

    —– Defoe Pav

    • TMWNN says:

      What do they ‘compliment’ each other on, their hairstyles?

    • Anthony In That Number says:

      Sandro certainly must be getting closer, after all surely we did not buy him just to play in behind closed doors friendly matches. But I doubt Harry will start him against Chelsea. He will pick Sarge as the defensive midfielder and he will also go with Hutton at right back. Much as I like Corlucka he is just too slow and his distribution was very poor against Twente. He is a good squad player and offers steady cover. If we could get everybody fit Kabooom could make right back his position. Harry will also go with Crouch alongside Defoe, although I prefer Pav. If fit Kaboooom will play ahead of Bassong as he is stronger and also I remember Bassongers getting bullied by Drogba when King had to go off injured at Stamford bridge last season. So I reckon Harry will go with…..


      Hutton BillytheYid Kabooom AnE

      Lennon Sarge Modders WonderBoy

      Crouch JD

      With all the injuries we do not have that many other options. The subs bench picks itself
      Carlo, Corlucka, Bassongers, Pav, Sandro, PSB, Daws.
      Everybody else is injured, albeit not sure about Bentley and Gio as both seem to be on the way out with PSB. COYS

      • dutchman says:

        Despite i have to admit he’s slow..honestly think Corluka is a better defender than Hutto..Lennon and Corluka make our right side more threatening than Lennon and the Scot..

        • onedavemackay says:

          You cannot be serious.

          Hutton is brill going forward and combines well with Azza as recent performances demonstrate.

      • dutchman says:

        Hutton won’t look very good vs the likes of Cole and Malouda..which will frustrate him very much..yellow or red for sure..

  • notsohotspurs says:

    Not sure that tomorrows game is the time to bring back Charlie. He would be facing Malouda and Cole so may struggle against that pace with just one game under his belt. Keep Begbie in let him do some damage to Cole, he is one player who deserves to be hurt.

  • notsohotspurs says:

    Blimey i’m on a roll. Just an observation but i see on newsnow Adam Johnson alledgedly saying he would be interested in a move to Spurs. Made me realise how Spurs as a club has changed. Before we were linked with all sorts of players and most made us a laughing stock. Now it’s sorry pal I don’t think you would make the first team.

    Reference the game tomorrow expecting a low scoring nailbiter. Chelsea will be right up for it as it is us. Defoe or Pav to score last ten mins to set up a grand finale.


  • spurious supporter says:

    Will the chavs be asking “what did the Roman ever do for us” after we give it Veni Vidi Vici.

  • seppoyiddo says:

    Veni Vidi Felchi

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