
Andy Carroll Looks Like A Bin Man

Image for Andy Carroll Looks Like A Bin Man

I just don’t see it and more to the point, if it did happen it would be a bad thing.

Spurs undoubtedly have a striker problem. Some might say, ‘when haven’t they?’ But Carroll to me simply doesn’t fit the bill. He’s Crounchinho with muscles, Barren Dent with brain. He’s an uberfit Mido. He’s the antiYid.

It’ll be Alan Pardew’s last act as the Toon manager when Carroll is sold, but why oh why are we linked with a guy who excelled in the Championship? We’re on our way now. Let’s please try and swerve players who look like bin men. I mean, look at that Raphael chap, he could model fur coats. The boy just oozes class.

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  • Se7enDwarfs says:

    Is London ..the seven sisters area mainly, the filthiest place in the uk or is there a sewerage plant in Birmingham next to the central mosque that has pipped it into 1st place this year?

  • Anthony In That Number says:

    Andy Carroll would clearly be an excellent acquisition. Of course he is a work in progress and has plenty to learn. Harry and our coaching staff would undoubtedly improve him. He would get tremendous service from what is presently widely acknowledged to be one of the most creative midfields in the EPL if not Europe. Of course it all comes down to whether he actually wants to leave Newcastle because if he does then they or any club ultimately has to sell (remember Carrick Keane and Berba, the player calls the tune). If they sell then it depends on what we can offer. I guess Bentley would improve the right side of midfield at Newcastle but it looks like PSB is going to Brum so he would not be part of any Carroll swap/deal. The other option might be to offer Crouch or Pav as well as Bentley. BUT still think all this talk of Carroll could be the usual smoke and mirrors from Spurs as they actually seek to cover up other targets. Also still think that the key to this transfer window is Man City as usual. Once they actually get Dzeko in it will allow Adebayor and any other City surplus to be moved on and then the market will open up. Adebayor could end up at Real Madrid for example as I doubt City would sell to us. We just have to wait and see but certainly Carroll would be a good signing for Spurs but so would Suarez, Fabiano or Rossi. Having said that what about Carroll and Suarez or Rossi in and Pav and Keane out? Now that would be interesting. Finally just want to say that Newcastle supporters are undoubtedly amongst the best anywhere and as a club they have produced some excellent players over the years. I genuinely feel very sorry for loyal supporters who have had the misfortune of seeing their club badly mismanaged. Remember that at Spurs we have had a fair share of inept management over the years so thank goodness we are in good shape now. It has taken a long time to get it right at Spurs but we are on the right lines now for sure.

    • Se7enDwarfs says:

      what a good post … your spot on mate!

      • Anthony In That Number says:

        I remember about 25 yrs ago going to a match at Foolem when they were in the 2nd Division and played Wigan. Newcastle had a game at QPR called off and loads of them came over to Fulham to watch the game. Brilliant supporters, sang the whole match, no trouble at all and just football crazy, That is what it is all about for genuine fans. Just sad that such support has not had the club managed properly for quite some time. It will eventually turn around but I guess it will only do so when a new owner comes in…. What about Shearer, he must be quite a wealthy guy, surely he has a lot of contacts with money? Having said that does he want the hassle of it all? It is much less stressful being a pundit. Pardew is quite a good coach, I saw what he did at my local side Reading BUT Newcastle imo deserves a much better manager..
        I think Martin Jol would have been ideal for Newcastle. He has done well with us, Hamburg and Ajax and always likes to play attacking football. I guess he would not work with the current owner especially as Hughton is a good pal.

    • daytripper11 says:

      Rossi will only be an option if Bale were to head out to Real Madrid. He mostly plays out on the left. When he doesn’t, he plays in the same supporting position as Rafa.

  • Se7enDwarfs says:

    Do Londoners think they are more English or more Albanian nowadays?
    how long before London is walled off and declared a official 3rd world country? … i hear Bono can’t wait to write a song for the 1st appeal.
    what do you call a white pupil in a London school exchange student.

  • Se7enDwarfs says:

    Anyway .. enjoyed my visit to the yid board today .. it was the best way Ive visited London in years .. i don’t feel the need to wash in bleach this time .. good luck with the whole North London mackem image thing .. you just might creep out from Arsenals shadow if ‘Arry stays for a few more seasons ..DOH !!! :freu

  • ehbagumspur says:

    Wow! you really do know how to wind up the barcodes Harry but remember you can’t take the piss out of shit and you can’t polish a turd.

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