
Andy Carroll Looks Like A Bin Man

Image for Andy Carroll Looks Like A Bin Man

I just don’t see it and more to the point, if it did happen it would be a bad thing.

Spurs undoubtedly have a striker problem. Some might say, ‘when haven’t they?’ But Carroll to me simply doesn’t fit the bill. He’s Crounchinho with muscles, Barren Dent with brain. He’s an uberfit Mido. He’s the antiYid.

It’ll be Alan Pardew’s last act as the Toon manager when Carroll is sold, but why oh why are we linked with a guy who excelled in the Championship? We’re on our way now. Let’s please try and swerve players who look like bin men. I mean, look at that Raphael chap, he could model fur coats. The boy just oozes class.

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  • Billy McGooligan says:

    Carroll has looked immense so far this season. I wasn’t really sure that he’d be able to make the step up from the Championship but he has, with aplomb. The way he looks right now (OK, not right now, he’s injured… but you know what I mean), he could fit into anyone’s team. My only worry is when you think back over the years, how many strikers has the Premier League seen who have had one quality season and then just faded away?

  • ped says:

    i think he means rafa benitez

  • Tooneye says:

    Just shows the mentatilty of you Spurs lot. What do looks have to do with anything? Old arry aint no oil painting and the last thing you should be concerned with are as supports is how hansome your players are, you may not even be top 4 next year. Have been ther and done that more than you spuds in the last 10 years. Oh and read the facts before you knee jerk a reply to that.

    Besides which how many other players do you want to have from us we gave you plenty in the past lol.

  • ped says:

    i’d love to see carroll at the lane but it ain’t gonna happen…..he’s toon through & through.

    • MIP says:

      gazza said da same,,he became legend at da lane and so did waddle,,,caroll will not achieve anything at barcodes,,he can go back when he is 35yrs..

  • a-gray says:

    i think this article is well off the mark carroll would certainly add a lot to your team he is our best player and is scoring goals in our average side
    at spurs with bale lennon modric van der vaart playing with him he would average at least goal a game by the end of the season and he is going to keep on improving and what a lot of people dont realise is that he has actually scored more goals with his feet than with his head

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