
‘Becks Knows He’ll Have To Fight For His Place’ – Arry On Becks Signing

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Appy new year? It may well be if you are in the Tottingham Hotspurs Merchandising Dept.

Artful Arry’s slip highlighted it has to said by Matt Butler in the Belfast Telegraph is a corker. Here’s the quote in full. It may be entirely innocent of course.

“He’d have to fight for his place, he’s not going to play every game, he knows — he’d know — that, he’d be a good influence, he’s the type of lad that would be good at your club. He’d give the place a lift.

You need people like that around you. He has been a fantastic player and is someone the players would look up to and respect. He could still do a job for sure, if he is over his injuries and he is as fit as he thinks he is.”

I hear grumbles from some on Sir David’s signing. Chuntering about the ‘Beckham Circus’.

If by this you mean having to suffer an initial day or two of him and – the ironing board with a pair of cupcakes strategically nailed onto it that is – his wife being photographed arriving at The Lane; photographed standing on the grass, photographed ‘joshing’ with Arry …then so what?

The reality is that this guy – love him or hate him – is so good for business it hurts. Overnight we become a global brand. Within days, some kid be he in Knaresborough or be he in Nepal will say to his dad, ‘I want a Spurs shirt with Beckham on.’

As the Spurs go marching in to Europe; to a new stadium and new dawn …I’m just nipping down to the newsagents to put a card in the window. ‘New Recruits Welcome’.

There will be those who want to get embroiled in a debate about where he plays. Who cares? Hack the head off so the crowd can see him and whack him in the Chirpy suit. Get the cad selling bagels on the concourse. But get him in. Stand on me.


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  • PLN says:

    Redknapp must be ITK, cos the guys at Glory Glory and Spurs Community all said this was rubbish!

  • kaiserspurs says:

    As for Beckham he is the best crosser of all time but that is not much use if he is crossing it to the invisible man. Surely we need to buy a better finisher more than Beckham.

  • Spurstacus says:

    The ONLY point in signing Beckham is that he may be able to help attract some proper current talent to the club. He has loads of contacts and connections and he may be able to swing some proper signings our way. Otherwise I think we should pass on it. No other top Champs league team seems to want him do they?

  • spurlative says:

    Beckham was also the face of the unsuccessful england team who failed in the world cup. What he was doing there I will never really know.
    I remember the camera’s panning on him every once in a while and he would be urging the players on or standing with his hands in his pocket.

    Either way, it was pointless. If we sign him for 3 months he is going to break our momentum. Harry just wants to add that he signed beckham to his cv.

    Whilst I respect beckham for his contribution to football, the problem I have with this deal if it goes through is that beckham is never just about the football. He brings so much more that I feel will not keep us grounded. I feel that he is these days all about building his legacy and not so much the team he plays for.

    How can someone have pride,loyalty and commitment when they’re playing for one team then another team for 3 months.
    I just don’t see the point. Harry wants lennon to learn from him, but they have spent plenty time together at england camps including the world cup.

    I think its going to be a distraction to the players. I hope I’m wrong and it brings about a bit of deserved glamour and fame… I guess they will have to start getting used to being in the public eye more and more if they’re gonna carry on winning games.
    As for beckham decision, he would be a fool not to choose spurs.

  • melcyid says:

    harrys new mantra 20 from 8

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