
Arsenal Release Statements From Suspects

Image for Arsenal Release Statements From Suspects

The beautiful game has once again been shamed and disgraced at the handsĀ  of Arsenal Football Club.

News broke late last night on France 2’s website that Interplod where investigating suspicious betting patterns during Saturday’s Premier League game between Newcastle United and Arsenal.

This morning Harry Hotspur understands several Arsenal men have come forward and released statements in order to protest their innocence.

Mr Way Pawlor – ‘Betting scam? Look I ain’t got a pot. The ex-wife took the lot, alwight?.’

Mt Tony Adams – ‘I’d love to help but I’ve been on the Cider since last Tuesday.’

Mr Paul Merson – ‘I fink that sahnds brilliant,mate. This is nailed on, yeah?’

Mr Graham Rix – ‘I can’t do any more bird. Leave me alone, I’ve paid my debt.’

Mr Sol Campbell – ‘I was at home that night with some young Am Dram friends.’

Mr Graham Stack –‘I wasn’t me but if it was, it was 100% consensual.’

Mr Robin Van Persie ‘It wasn’t me either. But if it was, it consensual also.’

Mr Tomas Rosicky – ‘Please, I always play this badly.’

The case continues…

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  • Yachtsman says:

    Sorry about the typos. One’s in a state of shock at being allowed access after such a long period in the too-fast-typing wilderness…

  • onedavemackay says:

    The other joy of every Arse balls up is the irate Goons coming on here and whining about us mocking them.

    Keep on coming boys WE’RE LOVIN IT

    • A_Felching says:

      I must say I do enjoy interacting with some of the stray Gooners that come on here, more results like Saturday :-p

  • seppoyiddo says:

    Schadenfreude is a bitch.

  • bukkake-breath says:

    Coincidentally my uncle was Mr.pawlors soliciter on that unfortunate occasion.. however if I was in power the curly haired wanker scraping at the soap while getting shagged by a duty free sized toblerone..

  • Fatfish says:

    More Stratford debate due I think Harold. Club releases image of proposed stadium.

    It looks so much better in this setting rather than shoehorned in between a Chick King and Zorba’s Best Kebabs.

    • Fatfish says:

      And Levy is on Talksport tomorrow morning around 7.30.

    • Astromesmo says:

      Sorry but that’s not a serious design. It looks like a kubrik toy gone wrong crossed with Sesame Street operated by a first year design student learning CAD. That. Is. Bollocks. No effort gone into it whatsoever (This is me with my designer hat on BTW).

      There’s about 20 sq yds of light coming in for the pitch and what looks like 2 giant green blocks of cheese on the approach to the stadium. I mean, who did this… A 10 year old on their lunch break while the milk was getting dished out?

      Stop me if I’m getting too negative?

      • bob says:

        please don’t kill me…

        but the reason this is a shitty looking design as it is part of the PR campaign against the ‘bashed-in beko’ and her shameless spouting of bollox. It is hastily doen to put into the decision makers mind what they would be turning down. It looks sort of like what you’d expect and that is enough at this stage. This will be all part of the plan of PR bod Mike Lee we hired last month.

      • MysteriousStranger says:

        Astro, stop.

        1. We would be increasing the capacity from our current by some 67%. Therefore it would stand to reason that the area of the roof itself would provide sufficient ccover for 60,000 fans, not 36,000. I would imagine, as per Wembley etc., much wider hallways/concession areas, stairwell/escalator space that clearly you do not see at our current ground. So your suggestion “as a designer with your designer hat on” that there would be 20sq yds of light coming in for the pitch is likely a very inaccurate one. Think about it.

        2. What do you design? Shop fronts? Just wondering what your area of expertise is for you to damn the overall stadium design, that’s all. You don’t have to answer, mind. Your initial assertions indicate to me it does not matter anyway for you have clearly not thought it through in the slightest.

        3. You sound like Spooky.

        4. Yes, it’s a bit colourful. We all know that people tend to wear less garish clothing. But it is on the cite of the Olympic Park, and will be more than just our stadium if it comes to fruition. You have seen the colours on the Olympic Rings? But please don’t do a Spooky (see his twitter account) and add to your initial critique by banging on about the “never red” bullshit (re: the “monstrosity” on the left). We were red before them. But his “outrage” is quite amusing cos a large portion of his and the “WeareN17” arguments against the proposed development cite “history” – which as I have just proved, as it is with many Spurs fans, is selective in it’s usage.

        5. It’s suggested it will be a community minded site. I couldn’t care less if the next Diversity were performing/rehearsing or that someone was playing Beach Volleyball on a non-gameday. Good. It might provide an outlet to give kids something more positive to do than congregate in large groups outside “Bargain Booze” to spit on passers by or “ask” for a cigarette.

        • MysteriousStranger says:

          I meant cover, not ccover. Obviously. Before the grammar police take me away. :cop:

        • MysteriousStranger says:

          They can take me off for using cite correctly and incorrectly. :blush:

        • Astromesmo says:

          Steady chaps – I’ve not suddenly turned into one of those over-emotional cads over the water that start getting misty-eyed and tearful while clutching my flat cap when talking about the joys of Tottingham… In terms of the Pro/Anti Stratford thing I’m firmly in the ‘OK to Stratford, as long as we exhaust all avenues in North London first’ camp.

          No. I’m just anti shoddy design, and while this has undoubtedly been knocked out tout-de-suite to counter Brady’s blatherings, there’s degrees of how shoddy and half-arsed you want things to look.

          My objection was to the fact that it looked like they’d given it to a foundation degree student to bash out during lunchtime… One that had never been near a football ground, let alone Spurs (p.s. I hadn’t even noticed the red thing… Nothing a spot of emulsion won’t cure).

          On reflection from out outburst last night, I’m also dumfounded by the prospect that we’re this far down the line on bidding for the bloody thing without a decent idea & mock-up of what we’re going to build there. I mean, if we don’t know exactly what we’re going to build, how do we know how much it’s going to cost? Have we just shown a pencil sketch to a builder then quoted the figure he gave us after whistling and scratching his head a bit?

          Sorry, design qualifications… 1st year woodwork, metalwork, art & biology and 10 years (And counting) running a Design Company & Creative Consultancy. At your service… Esq. (Large flourishy bow and doffing of plumed hat).

    • A_Felching says:

      Looks good :whistle:

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