
Arsenal’s Humiliation Is …Complete

Image for Arsenal’s Humiliation Is …Complete

The list of valid excuses were endless from Auntie Wenger in the after match interview.’Eeeet was a very physical game.’ The Arsenal coach said. He looked as uncomfortable as his charges as they embarked upon the climb of shame to receive their medals.

Okay. And for those of us who actually watched the match you’re talking cobblers you big delusional French oaf.

There were no excuses whatsoever. Arsenal Football Club were yet again revealed as incompetent. Arsenal Football Club were yet again revealed as pretenders.

Arsenal had a pitch that was supposedly ‘ideal’  – according to the sainted Ray Parlour – yet they were revealed as unable to beat ‘Birmingham’ on it. Brilliant.

Beaten not by a top flight team, but by a shower of …  relegation dodgers …you tell me.

Love it.

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  • :-) says:

    LOL this is funny

    Luka, Luka, Luka Modric, not one, not two but three croatians, Niko Kranjcar and Corluka tooooo.

  • :-) says:

    Luka is defo better than samir gayri.

    Tune on this vid is aptly named ‘Invaders Must Die’

    Not that i would imply anthing so untoward should happen to the pikey nomads from woolwich…

  • DBs Knees says:

    Classless. As if we at Spurs can afford to be firing off criticism and banter such as this. At least they were there to be beaten, where the f*ck were we?

    • Joe says:

      DB, you have exposed yourself as an ar5n4l fan by the use of the “Classless” line. Only used by those that believe themselves superior to all others,… well you’re certainly not superior to Birmingham are you? Ha ha ha. In the “Kiddies Cup” as you lot were calling it a few years ago, ha ha ha .

      Ha ha ha ha.

      • DBs Knees says:

        What sort of minge are you? Only Arsenal fans can use the word classless? Jesus wept…

        I’m a Spurs season ticket holder, East Stand Lower, Block 29 and I think this gloating (when we’ve achieved f*ck all ourselves this season) is classless. And no, I don’t think I’m better than Harry because of it – I’m expressing my opinion. I realise it’s probably the minority view held on here – but give a fuck? I don’t…

        I do however think I’m better than you – because you’re clearly a cunt.

        • Joe says:


          Chill man, It’s just fun. They give it and so they get it. This is a Spurs site afterall. If we had lost a cup final I’d be keeping my head down.

          But you’re right I’m a cunt. A happy one at that.


  • barney says:






  • Spurschavs says:

    Shut upp…. Were you even in the final? … No..That’s right, you were knocked out of the competition by us. And before you say anything else, your 4th.

    • Joe says:

      Ha ha ha,

      Priceless, they’re like one of those dolls that you punch down and they keep bouncing back for more.

      Come on you gonners, lets hear some more.

      ha ha ha ha ha he he ha.

    • Parklaner says:

      hahahaha propper nibble – We had players playing that day who had never set foot on the WHL pitch before, let alone play a 1st team game, against you 1st team (apparently you’re taking this cup seriously now) and still needed extra time to beat them

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