
That David Sullivan Rant Translated

Image for That David Sullivan Rant Translated

I’m not some tax exile living in the Bahamas, who never watches a football match, doing it for a huge, personal financial gain, as is the case with the Spurs owner.

I’m a Porn Baron who at the age of 21 made money by producing porn pictures weekly and selling sheets of photos by mail order. Those were the days, £800 on a good week.

The motive of myself and my partner David Gold is to give something back to the community we came from and are still a part of.

Me & Dave are sporting evangelists. It ain’t all about tarts waving their growlers about, not at all . We want to break the pricing cartel that monopolizes sport. It’s too expensive for ordinary people. Having made football so dire the tickets are only worth a quid, we feel athletics is the obvious next step.

The Olympic Stadium will motivate and regenerate East London and Essex. We are proud to use our money to be a part of it. It works for West Ham United and all of London.

When we say our money, of course we mean ‘we’ as in all of us, the… proud indigenous peoples of these islands. And the council’s.

Daniel Levy’s sole argument seems to be that, in his opinion, the stadium won’t work with West Ham United as the tenants. We beg to differ. What we know won’t work is having a north London club having a stadium in the Borough where we have been for over 100 years. It doesn’t feel right, as it isn’t right. Any right-minded person would agree with us.

This might be skint rush job but if we keep focusing on outdated ‘you’re on my manor’ guff hopefully nobody will notice.

If you believe in something, you will work harder and for longer to make it a success. You have to care. Lord Coe cares. He was emotional and full of sentiment when delivering the Olympic legacy promise which resulted in us winning the 2012 Games, against the odds. He cares as much as us about honouring that promise.

And we’ll latch onto anyone to make this happen. I’d happily be photographed kissing Rose West if it came to it.

Demolishing a feat of engineering and expertise that cost half-a-billion pounds and then knocking up a plain football ground in its place is about as cold and clinical as it gets. And, by the way, doesn’t make financial sense.

No, it doesn’t make sense. Because you made it up. The facts are that 80% of the original structure will remain and the other 20% being executed in a recycling exercise, with zero landfill.

‘No wonder those who propose that option want the emotion stripped away and instead are choosing to patronise the tens of thousands* of loyal Hammers fans who know a thing or two about atmosphere.

Yes no one can rival the truly unique atmosphere of Hammers fans. Ask any of the women and children who had to flee as they enjoyed a good punch up in the Birmingham City car park recently.

We will be able to answer their desire for affordable tickets and better access at a world-class stadium that is fitting for a club that produced three World Cup winners. The fact we will be staying in our Borough to do so just makes the case even more compelling.

Staying in their borough, but nailed on to moved to a different league come the end of the season.

After £90 million of conversion, we’ll have great sightlines – no seat will have a worse view of the pitch than Wembley Stadium – and a new roof designed to create intimacy. I have no doubt that this stadium will succeed.

That’s a relief.  I could have sworn there wasn’t a running track at Wembley, but if you say there is, I believe you.

*made up number

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  • seattlespursguy says:

    To the Spam crowd joining in:

    There are numerous differences between what is coming out of the leadership of the respective clubs.

    The Daves and Brady are spouting utter rot that they are motivated by patriotism, legacy and doing it right for Queen and country. If that’s what you think this is about, then I have some beachfront property you may be interested in. It is clear that West Ham want a new ground, using public money to finance their minimal costs and then sell Upton Park to clear debt off the club and likely stick money in their pockets. They are willing to stick their fans with a crappy hybrid stadium with a track—a plan that has been singularly unsuccessful for football. They ignore the potential for lower crowds due to the track, as well as the very real financial impact of relegation—a very real risk for West Ham. They know their bid makes no financial sense compared to Spurs, so they rely on emotive arguments about the east being theirs, and outright lies, such as the garbage about how Spurs plan will waste 500M in tax money

    Levy has made no secret that he views OS as a sound financial move that will help Spurs progress. He has addressed how the tax payer will get value back and legacy will be maintained.

    You may disagree with what Levy is trying to do. I’m still on the fence myself. But his bid is the fiscally more sound and honest one.

    • pox says:

      Mate, have you ever been to Upton Park? Seen the slums around it?
      What the ground will be worth after we have left will be a spit in the ocean to what Gollivan are worth already, why would they need it.
      You want to use public funds to put the transport infastructure to your home ground, something that you, or any amount of money
      can’t do in N.London.
      We both want it for what we can get out of it.
      Lets try to be a bit adult about it ladies.

      • seattlespursguy says:

        Wasn’t that exactly my point? Levy wants it for finacial reasons. So do the Daves. Levy, at least, is honest about it.

        As for what UP is worth, I have no idea, but selling it for whatever that number is sends money to the Daves. Pulling in money where they can is how they got rich in the first place.

  • 4everaspur says:

    It probably wont matter who gets the stadium in the end. It looks very likely that the Euro courts are going to allow people to buy foreign satellite braodcasts which will make it possible to watch any prem match live as it is played. Then if that happens how often will we or wet spam get 60,000 bums on seats?

  • Mick says:

    Sullivan’s rant doesn’t need refuting, because it doesn’t stand up to Levy’s strength of argument. This seems like a bit of a panic article by an author who is a bit worried Sullivan’s points will be taken seriously. They won’t.

    The only thing he does raise is emotion, and Levy wasn’t very clever to talk about the absence of emotion. But it’s gone now, nothing we can do about that. Still, the West Ham owners still don’t come across well at all, despite that small scrap from Levy.

    There is no point arguing with anti-Stratforders, after months I’ve found that they can’t be dissuaded, even when their arguments collapse before their eyes. Just let Levy keep saying that staying in Tottenham is not an option, and keep flashing the photos of the new stadium in Stratford. They’ll come round.

  • Vic says:

    Ascerbic wit Harry … and true.
    I’ve read all the statements coming from Spurs and West Ham and I must say that the great percentage of the dialogue emanating from West Ham seems inaccurate and emotional diatribe seeking to rubbish the Spurs bid rather than presenting a strong case of their own.
    The most relevant point to me is the, so called, athletics legacy. Fact is this promised has already been broken even if West Ham win the bid. It was never to be a football stadium with athletics shoe horned in for 20 days a year. What sort of legacy is that? Meanwhile Crystal Palace continues to decline to the point it will soon be unusable as a venue at all.
    Spurs’s plans to totally renovate Crystal Palace turning it into a multi facility 365 day a year 25,000 seater athletics venue with zero cost to the taxpayer truly delivers an athletics legacy.
    And Spurs’s plans for an entertainment and leisure complex at Stratford dwarf West Ham’s proposals … wait a mo, we haven’t seen any proposals from West Ham, they’ve been too busy making up scare stories.

    • Hammer says:

      What utter shit! Crystal Palace will cost at least 125 million to renovate according to a feaibilty study drafted up under the old Labour Government…Where is that extra money coming from? Coz according to Levy he will use only 40 million to do the same job??????????????

  • Mick says:

    And Harry, if you want to persuade people, don’t ever be rude. Just politely point out the problems with their arguments. People come round a lot more quickly.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      I wasn’t seeking persuade. Just a straightforward ridiculing was the idea.

      If you want to dip into the archive there’s a piece entitled Let Me Sell You Stratford. That was an attempt at persuasion. It contained very little rudeness as I recall.

      Thanks for the tip, though.

      • Mick says:

        Fair enough.

        I liked his line ‘Any right-minded person would agree with us.’ Not sure if the term ‘right-minded’ has psychological grounding… sounded like ‘if you think that things should change, you’re mad.’

        Can’t see the Central London Debating Society losing too many hours of sleep over that little gem of logic.

        • Harry Hotspur says:

          If Sullivan is right minded then Asian Milfmaids Go At It Like The Clappers IV is a nailed on Oscar winner :cool:

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