
Modders Sold

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That’s it.

All hope is lost. Please go back to into your homes and don your widow’s weaves. It’s all over.

It’s been mumbled before, but to my mind today’s News Of The World back page is the first real warning shot that the indomitable Celt Sluralix is well and truly after Modders.

Our form guide here doesn’t make for a pleasing read.  Michelle Carrick and Baldgarian were out the door like scalded cats the moment a move to Old Trafford was mooted. The impact of Carrick going was softened by what seemed good money at the time for a man on the verge of domestic and International greatness.  It turned out sweeter still of course as all these seasons later …he’s still on the verge.

Montgomery Burns meets Dorian Gray’s departure was hard to take. It destroyed the goal-making end of a Carling Cup winning side and pretty possibly heralded the obscolescence of Pointy Shouty Bloke. Some slight cushioning to these bludgeoning blows came in form of leaked tales of Dimitar refusing to play, and a huge wodge of cash. The salt in the wound being Frasier Campbell.

So now it’s Modders turn.

It’s time that Arry or better still the player stood up and announced he wasn’t for sale. It’s suggested that there is a £35M buy out clause in the Croatian’s contract. But this isn’t a figure at which point the player loses free will. Is it? If it’s represented as such I’ll push what I leave of him there myself in a wheelbarrow.

For the first time in a long time we are trading punches with the big boys. We may not be wandering around like some 1990’s bond trader chucking carrier bags of used notes at people bellowing, ‘Don’t wrap it I’ll ride it!’ But that’s because we don’t have an abyss of debt and bonds lurking over our shoulder.

Our slow but but enviable achievements have put us in a position of strength and it’s vital we don’t drop a testicle in the final furlong.

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  • Des Bennett says:

    Lets remember that after the Berbatoss debacle that Levy was quoted as saying that whilst he was Chairman that no player would ever go to ManUre from us again, lets be honest, that was 2 and a half yaers ago, and so far that is a promise that has been kept….like Harry says, if you want to compete with the best, you can’t sell them your big players, otherwise, whats the point….again lets remember that in the time of Berbatoss and Carrick we were a club the bought players with potential at decent prices, to sell them on at a decent profit(in the case of these 2 , a profit of £37m), with Redknapp in charge, those times are long gone… many times has it happened since he took charge???

  • Des Bennett says:

    Also lets remember that Murdoch group newspapers like Sleaze Of The World and the alex ferguSUN always try to tap up and unsettle players that Taggart is intetested in, after all they used to own shares in the club of filth(MU)

  • Chrispurs says:

    Win the CL, and we get to choose Man U, City, and Chelski players.

  • Toddspur says:

    Modders is made of better stuff than berbacock.

    Call me naive if you like but can see him doing a giggsy

  • Yachtsman says:

    The dog and I were on our usual walk, a couple of miles, plenty of time for working things out, when he said: “Heck. If ‘Arry can take off in a year for the ‘job of his dreams’ what’s to stop Baler, and Modders, and VdV from doing the same?” May be the little hound has a point.

    We ask for loyalty to the shirt, the badge, whatever, but then ‘Arry is not exactly the most convincing example to date. I mention these things to make the case that were ‘Arry to announce that he’s with the club for the long haul, his stance might be expected to have a positive impact on the likes of the three just mentioned.

    We (myself included) may make fun of Ferguson, yet we should give him his due, he’s been loyal to his club (as they have been to him). After all, what with the Glaser troubles, who had/has more of an excuse to move on? The England job would have been his before Capello even had a whiff of it. Just recently he said he wasn’t interested when someone put the prospect in front of him again.

    Then there’s another angle. Say ‘Arry and HM courts of law come into collision, with ‘Arry, as it were, stepping out of the daylight for some time. New gaffer on board. Perhaps new ways, certainly a different personality. The ties which ‘Arry has forged will no longer apply. Ditto if he were to take the England job.

    Not to fret. Just out walking the dog…

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