
Modders Sold

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That’s it.

All hope is lost. Please go back to into your homes and don your widow’s weaves. It’s all over.

It’s been mumbled before, but to my mind today’s News Of The World back page is the first real warning shot that the indomitable Celt Sluralix is well and truly after Modders.

Our form guide here doesn’t make for a pleasing read.  Michelle Carrick and Baldgarian were out the door like scalded cats the moment a move to Old Trafford was mooted. The impact of Carrick going was softened by what seemed good money at the time for a man on the verge of domestic and International greatness.  It turned out sweeter still of course as all these seasons later …he’s still on the verge.

Montgomery Burns meets Dorian Gray’s departure was hard to take. It destroyed the goal-making end of a Carling Cup winning side and pretty possibly heralded the obscolescence of Pointy Shouty Bloke. Some slight cushioning to these bludgeoning blows came in form of leaked tales of Dimitar refusing to play, and a huge wodge of cash. The salt in the wound being Frasier Campbell.

So now it’s Modders turn.

It’s time that Arry or better still the player stood up and announced he wasn’t for sale. It’s suggested that there is a £35M buy out clause in the Croatian’s contract. But this isn’t a figure at which point the player loses free will. Is it? If it’s represented as such I’ll push what I leave of him there myself in a wheelbarrow.

For the first time in a long time we are trading punches with the big boys. We may not be wandering around like some 1990’s bond trader chucking carrier bags of used notes at people bellowing, ‘Don’t wrap it I’ll ride it!’ But that’s because we don’t have an abyss of debt and bonds lurking over our shoulder.

Our slow but but enviable achievements have put us in a position of strength and it’s vital we don’t drop a testicle in the final furlong.

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  • Perpetual says:

    I don’t care a damn about any “good” arguments as to why a player should be allowed to kleave with a friendly cheer and wave of the arm…point is Modders is one helluva player and he’s a Spurs player…just like Gareth Bale and Rafa and Thud…and we’re scaring the hell out of the traditional big guns.Stevie G is a Liverpool man through and through and we have got to make sure that the top guys wants to stay at Tottenham because they can’t see themselves playing for any other team.That will be achieved by INTENT…getting more top players and WINNING trophies.If we don’t do that we will lose the big players to club’s that do the above.We’re no mercenary club buying our way to the top so players who have signed did so for more than the money.I’m confident and not only one-eyed that Luka will stay, in fact I’ll be blown away if he decides to leave at a time when Spurs is rising and rising. Alex “purple-nose” – get a f**cking blow-up doll you piece of sh*t – you f*cker!!! COYS

    • Anthony In That Number says:

      Absolutely right. Our top players realise that we are building something at Spurs, we are playing terrific football which they are all enjoying being a part of. VdV came out last week with comments about the terrific team spirit at WHL and that is immeasurable in Pounds, Dollars, Euros or Yen. No amount of wonga can change players if they really want to be with us. The bottom line is imo if we can keep this current crop of players and add say 2 or 3 more then we are as strong a shout for the EPL and CL in the next couple of seasons at least, as any other English side ManUre included. Having said that if we do not keep CL football that could change or of course if Harry goes to the England job and we do not get a top top replacement then players can soon change their minds. In this era if players want to go they will go whatever the price tag any team puts on them. IMO… for Bale, Modders only Barca and possibly Real Madrid could offer them more at this time in terms of the quality of football they will play and kudos of the club they are playing for. I think both Bale and Modders are sensible, down to earth sorts who will stay with Spurs for at least a couple more seasons, win things here and then consider options. Both of them are still young enough to wait, providing that is that we continue to progress . One issue could be who we get in if Harry moves on to the England job. I reckon Maureen would keep all our best players here with ease and add to what we already have too. Having said that if we could not get Maureen who else would have the clout/ambition to match that of our star players??? Interesting ….

    • Fatfish says:

      Not sure that Gerrard is Liverpool thorugh and through.

      Was on his way to Chelsea about 4 seasons ago, until his sister was “kidnapped & beaten” by local gangsters It was suggested” to him on her release, that he would be shot in the foot if he left Liverpool.

      He signed a new contract with them a few days later.

  • UnkleKev says:

    Mourinho’s transfer policy is to pay whatever it takes to get seasoned pros (i.e. 28 years old +) in to the club and to hell with the sell-on value as he, himself, won’t be around to see that particular shit hit the fan. This won’t wash with
    Levy, so if Mourinho did want to come to Spurs he’d have to rethink this philosophy somewhat. He’s won practically everything there is to win doing things his way so maybe he’d be up for the challenge that managing a club like Spurs might bring. Personally, I think he’s the only man in the world with the balls big enough to replace Ferguson at Man U, so that’s his most likely destination at the end of next year.

    • Anthony In That Number says:

      You are probably right . He has indeed already fallen out with Real Madrid and the owners as he wanted to spend in his normal way rather than
      work with what he has already got and develop it. A move to us might offer him a somewhat different challenge and could be attractive if we have still kept hold of the current crop of players and added 1 or 2. I do agree however that it would take some major adjustment in Maureens thinking, but you never know. He loves England and wants to come back here. If ManUre is not available where else could he go? Then again if City do not win something this year and fail to get CL footie then Mancini will be a goner so who knows? I cannot think of too many other options who would be established enough and have a big enough standing in the game to take us forward after Harry if he does go in Autumn 2012. This summer Chelsea will be getting somebody in to replace Ancellotti whatever happens so the top managers will be hard to get . For the Chelsea job Guus Hiddinck I imagine would be on Abramavitchs short list and also Didier Deschamps I guess would be a candidate. Interesting times ahead and imagine if we were to win the EPL next season would Harry see it as a crowning glory to his club management career and move on to the England job or would he be tempted to stay and create even bigger legendary status for himself at WHL ???? I hope he has that problem to think about in summer 2012.

  • Fatfish says:

    VDV aggravated a calf injury in training.

    Out till Wolves game.

  • Fatfish says:

    Interesting read about Tottenham – the area, not the club.

  • moosetheyid says:

    Rafa out for Tuesdays trip to the seaside

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