
Modders Sold

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That’s it.

All hope is lost. Please go back to into your homes and don your widow’s weaves. It’s all over.

It’s been mumbled before, but to my mind today’s News Of The World back page is the first real warning shot that the indomitable Celt Sluralix is well and truly after Modders.

Our form guide here doesn’t make for a pleasing read.  Michelle Carrick and Baldgarian were out the door like scalded cats the moment a move to Old Trafford was mooted. The impact of Carrick going was softened by what seemed good money at the time for a man on the verge of domestic and International greatness.  It turned out sweeter still of course as all these seasons later …he’s still on the verge.

Montgomery Burns meets Dorian Gray’s departure was hard to take. It destroyed the goal-making end of a Carling Cup winning side and pretty possibly heralded the obscolescence of Pointy Shouty Bloke. Some slight cushioning to these bludgeoning blows came in form of leaked tales of Dimitar refusing to play, and a huge wodge of cash. The salt in the wound being Frasier Campbell.

So now it’s Modders turn.

It’s time that Arry or better still the player stood up and announced he wasn’t for sale. It’s suggested that there is a £35M buy out clause in the Croatian’s contract. But this isn’t a figure at which point the player loses free will. Is it? If it’s represented as such I’ll push what I leave of him there myself in a wheelbarrow.

For the first time in a long time we are trading punches with the big boys. We may not be wandering around like some 1990’s bond trader chucking carrier bags of used notes at people bellowing, ‘Don’t wrap it I’ll ride it!’ But that’s because we don’t have an abyss of debt and bonds lurking over our shoulder.

Our slow but but enviable achievements have put us in a position of strength and it’s vital we don’t drop a testicle in the final furlong.

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  • dave spurs says:

    What release clause? Do you make stuff up to sound clever? So the substance of this article is someone might like one of our players, and we have sold good players before for large sums… so we are bound to do the same again. Gonna be a long summer if Spurs fans lap up NotW articles in February with such vigour, or is that naivity.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Why do ponces like you still come on here? I don’t have a time machine to take you back to the English classes you missed in borstal.

      Clauses such as this are commonplace.

  • Jimmy Jimmy says:

    Sorry but why do you write in ‘riddles’?

  • hiddeous1 says:

    Berba was one thing but if His Highness Modric leaves I WILL “drop a testacle”…Danny’s testacle down Harry’s gallowsbound gob!!!!

    Modders and Bale and Van der Vaart know they are making history. They are or should be to you what Villa, Ardiles, Hoddle and Waddle were to me when my grandad forced Spurs upon me many years ago Majesquire.

    Your point about “players leaving the club to mvoe up the world” there is not enough time for me to explain to you how misguided your thinking is. They say pictures say a thousand words so I advise you to watch His Highness performing in just one game the recent one against AC Milan. Watch a few times as he wasn’t on the pitch for that long. Once done answer this:

    Do you notice anything special about the way he casts a spell over the ball, so that no matter how big or strong or vicious or desperate the opposition is you cannot take it from him he doesn’t forcefully withhold it. Oh no he charms it like a snake charmer in a middle-eastern market. He creates illusions with it.

    And did yo notice the way he scuffed the pass to Lennon that led to Crouchy’s winning goal? Yes that was a scuffed pass by the standard of His Highness. Scuffed with the outside of his boot between a few AC players and carrying a demand for Lennon to attack it. This was a short pass. There are long ones. There are tight ones. There are impossible ones. There are mesmerising ones.

    How dare you speak so casually of such a force of nature departing our club where he despite Bale and Van Der Vaart is the artist-in-chief? And all to “move up the world”? His Highness doesn’t move up the world Majesquire simply because he doesn’t live in it – he inhabuts a world of his own, not of material possession but of poetry and beauty. And where better to express that than at the Mighty Spurs?

    Shame on you Majesquire.

    • Majesquire says:

      It’s precisely because of his unbelievable talent that I wouldn’t blame him for taking a chance and moving on. Don’t get me wrong (agin), I LOVE Luka Modric. I genuinely love the man, I would marry him, I would take a bullet for him. I feel the same way about Spurs. I’m not saying he should move and I’d be gutted if he did, for the club, but I’d be happy for him if it worked out. I’m still rooting for Carrick at United and for England when this isn’t at odds with our own ambitions (great article on all of that by the way –

      It sounds completely at odds with fanaticism to say ‘let’s be realistic’, and I could go off on some tangent about players being professionals and having ambitions outside the boundaries of those at Spurs (which I’ll argue there are very few of now in English football so I’d be surprised to see him move to United, but let’s say in Spain). But I’ll stay on track and just say I won’t be ANGRY. If he does a Berbs then we’ll have every right to be, but if he leaves with dignity, and he’s the sort of guy to do so, then with a heavy heart I’d wish him the best. That’s my point and I hope I’ve done it some justice, pretty hung over to be fair.

  • Sid Trotter says:

    Modders will be sold when rockers are cool again

  • There is life after Modric Harry, demonstrated by that fantastic win away at Milan, granted he did come on towards the end after VDV had run the show as usual and help us keep valuable pssession.

    But the team won more or less without him.!! If I was to critic Modric I would first pounce on his goal scoring record which is rank to say the least for an attacking midfielder, it is CLEAR he has the technique to score but lacks that last bit of class that VDV has…

    Oh and while I’m here Harry could you please mention Crouchie for scoring that wonderful goal against the Italians, yes the MONEY goal AGAIN!!!!.

    Your silence is deafning and your judgement stinks-sorry :O(

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      If my judgement stinks yours would send a cow running out of it’s field. Crouch is good in Europe and pretty much a waste of good draft excluder in the Premiership.

      Modders is not a goal machine and wasn’t bought as one. It’s insane to take his absence casually.

      • But that draft excluder scored a crucial away goal against Man city in the prem last season giving us 4th place…your logic on this is beyond me.

        Yes of course Modric is a playmaker. Ideally though you would like to see all your midfielders weighing in with some goals. He fluffs chances regularly infront of goal and needs to become more of a threat in the oppositions box. A great player without doubt and I would hate to loose him…BUT…for me VDV is the measure and the man..He does everything Modric does and a whole lot more.

        For me he is the best player Tottenham have had for seasons, in his prime and any team in the world except Barcelonas could be built around him. We could still dream without Modric but not not without VDV.

        Nice to see your up and enjoying the responses to your article :O)

        • Harry Hotspur says:

          I was a big Crouch fan when he came. but to keep harking on about that City goal. I may be doing you s disservice but clouding the issue with VdV doesn’t really add up. VdV and Modders are different players.

          You bemoan Modders lack of goals but how many league goals has Crouch scored? And I dwell on league goals as unless we win the CL this time around we don’t automatically qualify on the grounds ‘we really enjoyed it last time’, you know.

          Pros: Crouch has been useful. He wasn’t expensive. He hasn’t suffered from injury.

          Cons: Can’t score a league goal for toffee.

          I’m always up :cool:

    • nik says:

      Um – Modric laid the ball to lennon…. Id say he played a big part in the result. It was 0-0 when he came on.

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