
Van der Vaart Hurts Baby Cow

Image for Van der Vaart Hurts Baby Cow


Tangerines away it is. Negatives other than the abject squalor of the town itself out the way first then. Our physio bench is once again to die for… VdV calf strain again (hence the daft headline), Charlie still recovering from an assassination attempt, Krankie, Wooders, King, Thud and Bale all writhing with gout.

This is only leaves us –  excluding the Dutchman – with the journeymen dregs of the squad what beat Italian giants AC Milan at the San Siro last week. So what does that say? I tells me in louder tones than a whisper that we’ll batter them. Battered tangerines. One of our pal, LOTW’s 5 a day.

Blackpool arrived in the premiership looking like a brand new shiny happy thing. Sunshine on a stick. A troupe of unheard of players all as keen as custard led by the quintessential seaside cheeky chappy. The landlady had a wink in her eye, the fairy lights burned brightly, the candy floss was extra fluffy and the livin’ was easy.

Then reality hit Blackpool like a Tom & Jerry safe free-falling from the tenth floor. Splat. The hot dogs were cancelled due a Health & Hygiene Order. The shops, bars, so called nightclubs and hotels’ fixtures and fittings in Blackpool are worth more than their receipts.

Blackpool’s borrowed time is  like watching a piece of film you’ve seen before in slow motion. Not gloating, just calling it as I see it. Whatever Holloway had going on evaporated before Charlie Adam became the white Flava Flav. The reality is that Blackpool came like too many before them into the Premiership ill equipped for the task ahead and I’m not talking about under-soil heating.

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Looking for way to feed and slurp myself I see Azza Blud as man who may skin a few tangerines tonight (see what I did there?) and Anytime Scorer in a modest 0-2 win is just dandy at 25/1.

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  • Glenn says:

    Make the most of the CL chaps, because on that showing we wont be in it next season.

  • melcyid says:

    just wondering how many chances we have wasted upfront in the last year.I am really not surprised at the games we have lost due to lack of goals.strikers nowdays seem to be thick and dont seem to be able to think how to outsmart the goalie and just get it past him.Also harry should fine defoe a grand every time he is given offside,it breaks up our play and puts us back under pressure and is a complete waste of effort for the rest of the team. :dizzy2: bent was an offside merchant too and we got rid of him .

  • Anthony In That Number says:

    It keeps coming back to the lack of goals from the forwards. Even though we defended poorly last night we still had more than enough chances to get something from the game. If we had taken one of the chances at 1-0 then we may even have won. The main problem is that JD has just stopped scoring. Infact his record for the whole of 2010 and 2011 is not good. He started the season 2009/2010 with a hatful but has been less than average ever since. I thought before the game last night that we should have gone with 451 but I concede that Blackpool are so open a 442 should have been ok. Thought 451 would have given Modders or Krankie full freedom to play. Still the problem is that when we miss so many chances it puts us under pressure and inevitably defensive mistakes come, especially as we never have a settled back 4 and players like Bassooon are lacking timing and rhthym. We have got away with it in many games this season ie Sunderland away, Blackburn away, Wolves at home and we have been saved by VdV, Bale popping up with goals. Sadly we have all called it on this site many many times… WE NEED AT LEAST ONE NEW FORWARD.

    As for the right back situation, Gallas does not have the fitness or athleticism to cover that role now. We need him at CB unless Ledley or Woody can get fit. For RB we need to get Kaboom and Charlie fit asap, and get Naughton back if they are not going to make it for our next game at Wolves. I assume Hutton is off the radar until further notice.

    Still the bottom line is that our forwards are not doing the job that the £60,000 per week wages
    they each get demands that they do. Very poor that we have missed out in 3 transfer windows to rectify the problem.

    Having said all this , when was it ever easy or predictable being a Spur? I guess that losing at Blackpool was always on the cards . We still seem to struggle to put away the lower half EPL sides.

    The fight for 3/4/5th in the EPL this season was always going to be tight and go to the wire but it seems that we will have to do it the hard way much like last season. Still think there are many twists and turns yet but a win last night would have set things up nicely.

  • perrymann says:

    Hutton cover up by Spurs.!

  • lecoqhardi says:

    Redknapp out. The club to be managed by the spirit of Sid James. Bernard Bresslaw at centre back. Barbara Windsor up front. She has her knockers, but could still do the business. Nurse! Matron!

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