
3 Tweets

Image for 3 Tweets


The footballing world was shaken to it’s foundations this morning as Raphael van der Vaart revealed, ‘I have breakfast with Damian and Sylvie and then i go to Tottenhams trainings complex to train, because i really want to.’

I hope that this is innocent, boyish enthusiasm rather than ol’ Vdv wearing his sarkie pants.

The second is good stuff from the boy Hudd, ‘Hoping to train with the lads this week, then 2weeks (international break) to train hard and all going to plan shud be fully ok for wigan!’

One thing I couldn’t help but notice was the constant stream of begging request message from people to Cuddlestone. ‘Hey Tom, cud you tweet that it’s my Aunt Dolly’s 73rd bday and she is eating a chair for Comic Relief. We’ve all got cancer in out house it wud mean a lot m8!’

Elswhere, Azza Blud’s biatch Montana Manning tells us she is filming for Eastenders. Montana either has serious literacy issues or is on a drip feed of booze. If I had to guess what I probably opt for that rust coloured WKD gear. So once she’s mastered shouting, she should become a central character.

Azza’s Twitter account is frankly beyond parody. He’s following an unrelenting posse of chillin’ boyz and laydeez. Lowlights of which I would give special mention to Twitta Booty. These good peopleĀ  assure us that they are, The original Booty Hunter tweeting pics of the greatest booty’s from twitter and beyond! That’s a relief. I wouldn’t want to be working myself into a pink mist over any old bottom.

He’s also following RosaAcosta who I kid thee not describes herself as, Ballet Dancer,Massage therapist,Elbow Lover, Nippologist, Scar kisser, Shower Opera singer, Midget hunter and future chef. Where do you start? Midget hunter? Well that hunt’s clearly over love.

And the rest leads me to believe that there’s been a typo somewhere and it should be …Two shugs, love.

Ladies Day today – all tips gratefully received :-D

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  • bruce castle says:

    Come on FC Copenhagen!

  • Harry Hotspur says:

    Oi’ve hoss outsoide!

    I was unexpectedly arrested and missed many of your early replies chaps.

    Christ, how cheap is the C4 coverage? I didn’t realise where their HD channel was yesterday, and today I struggled to spot the difference and poor old Big Mac appears to have had some class of a stroke recently.

    I was on that Grey thing. Heart attack. Unbelievable quantity of enormous Irish gentlemen nearly wearing suits.

    • Fatfish says:

      You were on the grey thing?

      I always took you to be a distinguished gentleman, smoking jacket, cigarette in holder, a glass of distillers edition lowland single malt (Glenkinchie maybe?), listening to strains of Al Jolson & Paul Robeson eminating wistfully from the HMV brass speaker.

      But a f*cking Oirish tinker in pink & green silks on an ‘orse?

      • Mdmdehotspur says:

        You have imagined him to a tee. The cigarettes are French and the Malt is Speyside. The dog sleeps on the Smoking Jacket these days, however.

        His interest in all things Irish is a result of owning most of the Republic.

  • bruce castle says:

    And the ref is Svein Oddvar Moen I made noises like that the last time I vomited.

  • bruce castle says:

    Yes sometimes, after a big night out and take away, it comes out through the nose as well.

  • Sid Trotter says:

    I believe I can fly. Tweet means fly in sparrow, ergo, all our players can fly. But I can’t see them. Maybe a different branch. Maybe a different tree. Maybe

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