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West Ham indoors then.

An event in the social calender marked only by the increased usage of disinfectant by The Lane’s dedicated domestic crew.

All jokes to one side, the Primark Massive have hit the form of their lives in the last few weeks and whilst they’re not out of it yet, the Hammers are giving every indication of a mob genuinely reluctant to be relegated.The resurgence is largely down to the availability of Hitzlsperger. Is he all things to all men? I think not, but a team as miserable as West Ham were bound to be radically shaken up by the addition of even one half good player.

The Ammers haven’t won at The Lane since 1999 and the bloke wot lead them to their glorious victory that day was one Harold Engelbert St Hubbins Redschnapps.

So what of our lot then? Well it’s that old striker chestnut again, isn’t it? Which infuriating ‘not quite’ combo will we opt for? Whichever it is, they need to be effective. West Ham sit 4th in the form table and aren’t coming by just to scruff up the toilets.

VdV to score between 21st-45th minutes @14/1.

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  • jfdit says:

    ‘arry got it so wrong today, VDV off when defoe’s playing like stephen hawking just about capped it off for me, I can’t stand this favourite player bullshit – he played like a proper cunt for 90 mins

  • Mr_Spiggott says:

    runs don’t win games – goals do.

    new strikers. asap.

  • david says:

    This plan of not playing with a goal scorer is starting to backfire on us.
    How many chances did Defoe have today.
    On the bright side none of our players got their legs broken and Sandro is Viera without the dirty play.
    Not surprised Bale off the pace, he has not played for almost 2 months.
    Not sure why Charlie kept passing to them instead of Azza in the first half.

  • SpoletoSpur says:

    Good games from Sandro and Modric.

    Poor games from Corluka and Defoe.

    Very average from Lennon, Bale and VDV.

    CL looking very difficult now. We need Chelski and Sunderland to take points off of Citeh in the coming week.

    • SpoletoSpur says:

      In fact we may find ourselves in a race for the Europa League if Liverpool pull themselves together.

  • david says:

    We may as well stop playing forwards and try playing with 6 midfielders.
    Sandro is the nuts. Will be huge for years to come. Hopefully with us.

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