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West Ham indoors then.

An event in the social calender marked only by the increased usage of disinfectant by The Lane’s dedicated domestic crew.

All jokes to one side, the Primark Massive have hit the form of their lives in the last few weeks and whilst they’re not out of it yet, the Hammers are giving every indication of a mob genuinely reluctant to be relegated.The resurgence is largely down to the availability of Hitzlsperger. Is he all things to all men? I think not, but a team as miserable as West Ham were bound to be radically shaken up by the addition of even one half good player.

The Ammers haven’t won at The Lane since 1999 and the bloke wot lead them to their glorious victory that day was one Harold Engelbert St Hubbins Redschnapps.

So what of our lot then? Well it’s that old striker chestnut again, isn’t it? Which infuriating ‘not quite’ combo will we opt for? Whichever it is, they need to be effective. West Ham sit 4th in the form table and aren’t coming by just to scruff up the toilets.

VdV to score between 21st-45th minutes @14/1.

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  • eddieken says:

    What has the officials got against us, this time? Balls over the line not given, Noble tackling from behind and no card, and as for making Bale leave the field for a new pair of shorts? They just shot themselves in the foot surely, as they should have checked this before play started.

  • jfdit says:

    pikey cunts have parked a knocked off artic lorry in front of their goal, need a goal quickly then we’ll get behind them

    this coleman twat talks more drivel than gray, where do they find them?

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Coleman classic, “That could’ve been 1-0” after a shot one goal at (obviously) 0-0.

      And some got upset when I called him a mong.

      • jfdit says:

        I think he’s a perfect example of why brothers and sisters shouldn’t have sex with each other

        fucking welsh retard

  • AS says:

    We are playing some nice stuff but all in front of WH and lacking sharpness around the box. Can see why Harry was after Carrol to act as a focal point when teams come to defend. We should break through eventually – might need Crouch though to break up their defence.

  • seattlespursguy says:

    Is Defoe playing?

  • MysteriousStranger says:

    Wake up Defoe! :cwy:

    • jfdit says:

      he needs to start producing the goods – I can’t see him doing it myself, VDV and him don’t seem to work well so I reckon he’ll be moved on in the summer.

      A proper striker like eto’o would have scored twice in that half

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