
David Lammy Strikes Again!

Image for David Lammy Strikes Again!

I’m beginning to really warm to David Lammy.

Perhaps I was too quick to write him off as a man who simply abused his position and the trust afforded to him by the poor schmucks good people that voted him in. There’s much more to him.

You’ll recall the business about his expenses. You know, how he claimed £25,263 for that handy second home between April 2003 and March 2004. Apparently the commute from Tottenham to Westminster is an absolute killer.

Well, old Dave is back.

On the face of it, Lammy’s leaflet delivered door to door in his Tottenham constituency is a good thing. A noble thing. ‘Local Accident & Emergency Under Threat’ blasts a bold red headline. He’s actually campaigning against a decision of the very government he is a Minister in.

Now you may say that shows character. A bit of daring do. But if you’re that at odds with your own party, isn’t this an indicator you need to either cross the floor or …quit?

‘I’m deeply concerned’ , says Dave. Dave, you’re not the only one mush.

Not only he is campaigning against his own government in order to save his own neck come May, he’s sent the bill to … his constituents.  At the bottom of the brochure lies the small print: “This publication is funded from the Communications Allowance”.

The rules say: The Communications Allowance provides funds to allow you, as a Member of Parliament, to communicate proactively with your constituents and inform them about your Parliamentary duties. You may claim up to £10,000 per year from this allowance.

So that’s all just dandy then.

Labour may be out of office, but they’re still busy picking the last pennies from public purse. Bless ’em.

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  • bukkake-breath says:

    Refs I ment refs there was no reefs

  • bdog4037 says:

    wheres the pre match prattle hh :sleeping:

  • Oh Harry don’t start me on the expenses scandal.

    What about Jacqui Smith and her state sponsored masturbation and the guy who claimed for a third home only it belonged his duck.

    Personally, at this time in my life to have done this would have been to have bought shame on myself. It seems these people have no shame or dignity.

    And it brings you to another more salient point…

    How far up and across the governmental organisation does corruption run?

    If so many were fiddling expenses….are they fiddling everything else?

  • Andypandy says:

    Lammy once took part in the BBC television quiz show Mastermind but scored a low 13 points. Among his incorrect answers were saying that Henry VIII was succeeded by Henry VII; that the surname of Marie and Pierre, Nobel prizewinners for research into radiation, was Antoinette, not Curie; and that Versailles was a French state prison.

  • lammyisacnt says:

    cant the fat fuk be deported for beeing too brown or fat or something?? Or being a fat brown farkin gobshite claiming public money under false pretences!!! Wheres a road death when you really farkin need one? Fat brown thieving politician who is a gobshite accidentally crushed to death by a bus!!

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