
Friday Sermon

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I went to bed last night with a mild sense of unease. Awoke with a full on pain in my shoulder and then it dawned on me. My goat. The goat was gone. I’d not switched on the TV for more than a few minutes and it everything fell into place.

Sluralix had got my goat.

“You hope you get a really strong referee in games like this, it was a major game for both clubs and you want a fair referee, you know … You want a strong referee, anyway, and we didn’t get that. I don’t know why he’s got the game. I must say that, when I saw who was refereeing it, I feared the worst.”

So he’s been hit with an improper conduct charge. What a pity it wasn’t strapped to the front grille of a speeding and out of control rubbish truck. Tied with a bow around on of those blackened strapped on teddy bears from the 1970’s. Mad Max meets The Sopranos meets the FA.

The petulance of Sluralix appears never ending. Just when you think that the self indulgent Scotchman couldn’t possibly be any more self absorbed he effortlessly demonstrates his conceit comes from a place so low even the cockroaches have hunchbacks.

Ferguson has refused to be interviewed by the BBC since 2004.He’s a Premiership football manager. Not some mad animal loving biddy  who’s issued a fatwa on Look North East because their weather girl innocently said it would be raining ‘cats and dogs’ one night 30 years ago.

This was after the broadcaster had the gall to ‘probe’ the business activities of his son, Jason who was then operating as a football agent in a documentary called, ‘ Father And Son.’  Sluralix gave the show both barrels bemoaning the unfairness of being picked on by the BEEB an organisation notorious of course for operating above the law…

“But it is such a huge organisation that they will never apologise. They don’t even care if you sue them or whatever, because they are so huge and have insurance. They carry on regardless and it’s breathtaking.”

Hang on, Snowy. Run that by me again. In fact don’t. Just answer one specific question. Yes or no.

Q: Did the BBC get sued?

A: Err, no.

I don’t know about you, but if one of my nearest and dearest had been subjected to snide, unfounded and outrageous slurs and I was a multi millionaire mischief maker I’d have them up before the Beak before you could say, ‘Two large Bushmills, love.’ What’s that phrase, ‘Sue or be damned?’ There were allegations of ‘brown envelopes’ to quote the Manchester United supremo himself. Hardly a passing swipe at hunky Dunc’s suits.

A press release from the BBC on Father And Son is HERE.

But that was only one instance of the monsters that lurk in the shadows. There are plenty more. Let’s look at the case of  Darren Ferguson. Darren Ferguson is a football manager. I can’t tell you if he’s a very good one.

But I can tell you Dunc had a riches to rags career as a player. He started off at Manchester United and as time went by he worked his way down through the ranks to Wolves, Wrexham then eventually … Peterborough. Funny that, most players find their career paths take them in the opposite direction. Can’t work that out. Oh well.

It was at The Posh that he became player manager. He had a good run in his first season. His second wasn’t so hot and he left by mutual consent with his side scrapping against relegation.

Dunc then became manager at Preston North End in January 2010. No one in their right mind could rewrite that debacle as even a vague success. By the September he’d not only picked up his own FA charge of misconduct (funnily enough after a verbal bust up with a referee) but been branded one of the worst managers to have ever mismanaged the club in it’s history. His stats were: After P 49, W 13, D 12, L 24.

It wasn’t the sight of Dunc being fired out of a cannon from the Wirral area that caught the attention of football fans. It was the fact that his precious father recalled three Manchester United players – Joshua King, Ritchie de Laet and Matthew James – from Preston with immediate effect. You’d have thought that the departure of such an abysmal manager would have been a positive and Sluralix might have even extended their loans as a consequence.

So we’ve learned that one of the most successful football teams in the world is being managed by a seventy year old child.

It’s a sorry reality that no matter how many fleeting glimpses we get of the monsters, no matter how deep the debt becomes, no matter how many laws and good practices are trampled underfoot the Fuhrer’s bunker just becomes more and more lavish. Let’s hope it’s fireproof as surely the only stunt left for Sluralix at this stage is spontaneous human combustion.

I just want my goat back. Uncharred.

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  • ehbahgumspur says:

    How this man is allowed to get away with not giving interviews to the BBC is appalling, he should have a touchline ban until he agrees to do it. The power that this man has is extraordinary, anyone else would be brought to account but the authorities are frightened of him and the referees are totally intimidated by him. The outcome of the latest ‘punishment’ will obviously be to suspend the referee, ban Luiz for 3 matches and award 3 points to Manure.

    • Sid Trotter says:

      but lets not forget we do have certain rights – freedom of speech being one, which means he can or cannot speak depending on what he feels is best. I don’t like it but that’s an important right that cannot be interfered with by the media

      • seattlespursguy says:

        I think there is a slight difference, Sir. Free speech means that the government can’t interfere with your right to speak. A private entity that you work for or has some supervisory role over you can impede your speech a great deal. Or is it different in the UK?

        • Sid Trotter says:

          it is different, a right is a right is a right as protected in the constiution – if I worked for McDonalds they could not order me to say have a nice day – though they may sack me.

      • seattlespursguy says:

        You are right in that sacking or fining someone is the bludgeon held by a private entity, so it isn’t really impeding speech because you are welcome to quit if you don’t like the rules. This is different from the government saying “don’t say that or we’ll fine you.” You don’t have recourse if the government does that.

  • Anlarblud says:

    good work sir, and ‘Ferguson has refused to be interviewed by the BBC since 2004.He’s a Premiership football manager. Not some mad animal loving biddy who’s issued a fatwa on Look North East because their weather girl innocently said it would be raining ‘cats and dogs’ one night 30 years ago.’ im going to petition to gon on quotes of the day alongside ‘All men are frauds. The only difference between them is that some admit it. I myself deny it.’

  • spurious supporter says:

    Great piece H, spot on and funny. I think your goat may be under a blanket on the back seat of old red nose’s Bentley.

  • JimmyG2 says:

    Personally I would be content if all managers, players and pundits were banned from after match comments.
    And pre-match, and half time come to that.

    Just show us the football.

    Nice stuff HH especially the ‘hunchback cockroaches’

  • Sid Trotter says:

    I think we should make up a lot of SLurALix quotes and post them as far and wide as poissible

    I’ll start

    “Yes, I’m a drink sodden CAD and have an eclectic slection of referee porn”

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