
New Kit Manufacturer Named

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According to Michael Steele a Bloomberg bloke, Under Armour will be suppliers to the Tottinghams come 2012.

Mixed reaction from me. This news will send a chill down the spine of those supporters who had ‘issues’ with Kappa kits. If you thought their stuff was a neat fit, Under Armour goods aren’t displayed on a coat hanger, they come in can.

The other question I would raise is why aren’t we going for a truly household name like Adidas or Nike? I’d be staggered if Levy & Co give a stuff about ‘individuality’ and this has more to do with the bottom line.

We’ll be told of course about all the technical benefits (techie fans you’ll love this stuff) and how in 10 years time they’ll all be wearing it. Mmn.It would take me 10 years of going to the gym to get one of these bar stewards on.

Here’s their homepage.

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