
Wolverhampton Warriors

Image for Wolverhampton Warriors

Lieutenant John Chard: The army doesn’t like more than one disaster in a day.
: Looks bad in the newspapers and upsets civilians at their breakfast.

Good afternoon ladies.

Wulveramptin Wandrars away it is then. This is a drum I’ve beaten before and dare say you’ll hear it again before we’re through with this. Spurs have just come back from Dubai and their performance today will reveal if if was a jolly up or something useful to do with them becoming better at playing football.

The shambles of Blackpool will be fresh in the memory. It is the responsibility of this bunch to stop mucking about and look like a team that can deliver all the tedious tosh we get spun. If I hear one more, ‘pushing on for a top four finish’ guff from the likes of Jenas or Defoe or anyone else I shall do something despicable with a rolled up copy of Hotspur magazine that will give them an eye watering bout of papercuts.

Wolves are a beast wounded and it is unlikely it will be pretty. It’s therefore that vital that the Tottinghams dictate the pace and more importantly the quality of the game.

Bromhead: At one hundred yards! Volley fire, present! Aim! Fire!

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  • Yachtsman says:

    We have been struggling to cope with crosses/corners, high balls down the middle for years now, or at least that’s my impression. Certainly it was our Achilles heel under the jovial Dutchman. Perhaps it got better with the arrival of Woodie in the middle, but clearly not enough work is done on it in training. If Woodie and Ledders attend training, could they not be helping out with drills, etc.?

    Not to have Kranjkie start ahead of Pienaar, or instead of JJ, is mystifying. And it puzzles me how Begbie can start for Scotland when I have yet to see him make a tackle, a good clean tackle. A lot of hopping from foot to foot, but time and again the ball is passed/crossed/disposed of sensibly.

    Also, we are losing our discipline; so many times today the ball was just hoofed out, and not just in the last minutes. League Two stuff.

    Nothing original here. Sorry. Just venting.

  • 39 39 39 says:

    Gotta repost this one…I must say it’s a bit worrying to see Hurelio’s clamping jaws when the cameras are full on him after his often repeated ‘latest howler’ perhaps he should lay off the crystal meth. Perhaps we should start looking for another keeper, one who gives the team real confidence.
    IMHO :pinch:

    • Yachtsman says:

      If Gomes were more confident, if he ruled his patch with authority, may be some of our back four would spread out a little and let him move around. Every time the ball comes in it seems as if all of the family plus the great aunt are in there heaving about…and that’s not taking into account the visitors…

      Plus his distribution is simply not reliable. Yet, when one has come, reluctantly, to the view that his form is on a downward curve, that’s when he pulls off something spectacular. Sort of reminds one of Robinson in his last two seasons.

  • Bruce Castle says:

    I blame myself for or thinking we were over the old nail biting days of on the boil, off the boil peformances. Different decade, same old Spurs.

  • seattlespursguy says:

    I will settle for the point if it means Defoe goes on a tear.

    I thought it was strange that Harry’s best mate Pete didn’t come in once we got a goal up. That was tailor made for Pete; hold up play and defensive help. Maybe he gets his head on the ball Daws missed for their equalizer.

  • MysteriosStranger says:

    Just watched Shutter Island. I know, the book is probably much better, but the film was very predictable, and complete with awful green screen scenes. 5.5 out of 10.

    I give today’s Spurs performance the same score, complete with “predictable scenes and ending”.

    Current thoughts range from “is Pienaar the new Jenas?” – and I actually had thought he might prove to be a useful addition(!) – to the everpresent “what is the point of Jenas?”

    Gomes I’ve defended in the past, but he really needs to rule his box. Our defenders were dropping very deep and he should surely have been marshalling them away from him. He seemingly flits between genius and mental patient in equal measures currently.

    Hutton is going to be a risk whenever he plays, I’ve concluded. I cannot believe there hasn’t been any sort of incident with Harry, and whilst his roams forward can be decent, not at the expense of defending, thank you very much. And yet another pen. Jeez.

    BAE wasn’t great today. He was playing the same balls down the flanks as per but without Bale running onto them. I thought Modders was quite weak on the ball, too easily dispossessed on occasions. Not his finest start.

    Harry Redknapp yet again appears to have been found wanting tactically – once again we gave ourselves a handicap (the opposition scoring first) and there are only so many times a team can gift their opponents and get bailed out by going on to steal the three points.

    If anyone can explain the Bale on the right, Lennon on the left thing, answers on a postcard. Training for AC Milan? A bit of switcheroo experience? Perhaps if the score was 4-0? Redknapp, it wasn’t 4-0.

    As for Dubai? The point was what exactly? Dubai someone better than Pienaar in the next window (n.b. I’m still clinging onto the diminishing hopes of a CL qualifying spot) is all I have to say.

    • emspurs says:

      The point of Dubai was that ‘arry likes it. You know, for the lifestyle. And the horseracing’s triffic.

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