
Wolverhampton Warriors

Image for Wolverhampton Warriors

Lieutenant John Chard: The army doesn’t like more than one disaster in a day.
: Looks bad in the newspapers and upsets civilians at their breakfast.

Good afternoon ladies.

Wulveramptin Wandrars away it is then. This is a drum I’ve beaten before and dare say you’ll hear it again before we’re through with this. Spurs have just come back from Dubai and their performance today will reveal if if was a jolly up or something useful to do with them becoming better at playing football.

The shambles of Blackpool will be fresh in the memory. It is the responsibility of this bunch to stop mucking about and look like a team that can deliver all the tedious tosh we get spun. If I hear one more, ‘pushing on for a top four finish’ guff from the likes of Jenas or Defoe or anyone else I shall do something despicable with a rolled up copy of Hotspur magazine that will give them an eye watering bout of papercuts.

Wolves are a beast wounded and it is unlikely it will be pretty. It’s therefore that vital that the Tottinghams dictate the pace and more importantly the quality of the game.

Bromhead: At one hundred yards! Volley fire, present! Aim! Fire!

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  • Kojac says:

    i thought defoe was out with gout

    things change quickly

    our strikers better score today,is it asking too much

  • Harry Hotspur says:

    @daytripper That would be a ‘typo of Hotspurs’

  • lecoqhardi says:

    Not good enough in midfield. Merely combative. 1-0 down after 60 minutes. We bring on Blud and Krank.

  • MysteriousStranger says:

    The team selection ties in with the Telegraph’s piece previewing the AC Milan game, complete with Redknapp quotes:

    Diagonal ball to Peter Crouch
    Modric and Van der Vaart are subtle passers of the ball but Redknapp wants variety of attacking play and will look for quality direct balls into Crouch. “You want to clip a ball 35 or 40 yards from a wide position, hit Crouchy,” he said. “I’m not asking them to play long balls, I’m asking them to deliver the ball and play to Peter’s strengths.”

    Gotta love the competition for places that’s being nurtured at the club. :ermm:

    • MysteriousStranger says:

      Also am I to take from this, that 40 yard pass on an average 114 yard long pitch is not considered “playing the long ball game” in the language of England’s future Manager? Trying to dress up the truth in bullshit as usual, the Harry Redknapp way.

      • seattlespursguy says:

        I think Harry thinks it’s a long ball if you blindly lump it up the pitch, but actually trying to hit Crouch with a 40 yarder isn’t a long ball, even though the result is exactly the same.

    • daytripper11 says:

      Crouchy has a strength? Can someone please enlighten me?

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Gotta love the sophisticated nature of our manager.

      ‘On ‘is nut son!’

      ‘Hit the coconut win a prize, mate!’

      Altogevva na, ‘Inger-lund, Inger-lund, Inger-lund, Ingeeeeer-lundt’

  • AS says:

    what is wrong with VDV’s muscles and tendons and ligaments that means he is out so often?

    billy g is now my signing of the season because you got to play to make an impact.

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