
A Prediction Of Heavy Weather For Our Last 7 Games

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Good morning. This is the Met Office. Please evacuate all top four finish fantasies at once and make your way in a calm and dignified manner to the lifeboats. Women and the boy Hotspur first.

Arsenal [H]

Whining whining Arsenal. This season they have been the most unsporting, moaning shower of bitches that they have ever been. The grass was too long, the opposition were too physical, the crowd was too noisy…. the absence of shame has been well, bordering on quite shamless.

Their fans have all the fervour of a desperate religious cult but none of the charm. Incessantly creepy, graceless, wannabe philosophers and scientists from the planet HardDoneBy.

I really hope we smash the granny out of them. I’m not even sure what the means exactly, but it sounds ideal. My wild guess 3-2.

West Bromwich Albion [H]

Poor old Roy. Thank goodness he was protected from the ravages of that Liverpool hot seat by mild dementia. It must have been like a warm blanket over his up there by the coast. Great to see him about again, shaking hands with fans, chatting amiably about his favourite wireless programs and the weather.

West Bromwich though are no longer going down. They would have to more or less lose all of their remaining games to achieve that and I just don’t see it. A run of emphatic draws have turned The Baggies into a lean mean, single point scoring machine.

This is away for them and so the spell is broken! My wild guess is a 2-1 win.

Chelsea [A]

Lots of chitter and chatter about Torres being ‘a waste of money’ and Carlo being replaced by a cinema foyer life size cut out of Indiana Jones. I’m looking at the situation as someone who doesn’t like them at all and I can see they are on the mend. Fwank normally nets 20 a season.

To put this game into layman’s terms in order to go to Second Hand Fridge and scoop all 3 points we would have to be as good on the day as Manchester United. My wild guess is a point.

Manchester City [A]

Manchester City are for my money eminently beatable. Remember that rather exhilarating game we had with them earlier the season? If they had kept that up they would be top of the Premiership right now. I’m serious. They looked amazing. They now look like a charity shop full of designer clothes.

But we aren’t any good at scoring goals. That’s a distinct disadvantage in this game. Mark my words. A wild guess being a 1-0 loss.

Liverpool [A]

If King Kenny can keep the momentum going then it’s difficult to see this one being a low scoring game. Carroll has the swagger of a bloke who knows he’s good and Suarez looks pretty much worth every penny too. Meanwhile we placed an eleventh hour megabid for that Sweaty at Blackpool.

Liverpool are plating fast flowing football. On a good day so are we. My wild guess is a crowd pleasing 2-2.

Blackpool [H]

I’ll be glad to see the back of Blackpool or more specifically, Holloway to be quite blunt.  Well …it was almost approaching fun for a short while to watch them give ‘the big boys’ a run for their money but any charm has gone the way of the painted over rust on their seaside rides and it’s begun to flake off.

‘Ollie’ is a yokel. A Poundland Magic 8 Ball. Kiss me quick hats and white dog muck are calling. My wild guess is something along the lines of 4-1. How do you like them apples, Ian?

Birmingham City [H]

Birmingham have some rotten fixtures ahead of them. Stinkers. I very much like to think that we’ll be one of them. The bottom of the Premiership is like quicksand in one of  those old black and white made for TV movies.  With so many queuing up to be last seen as a hat, floating on the surface.

From Birmingham down –  as the table sits right now –  it’s a genuine struggle to point out the ones brave or indeed clever enough to fight their way up and out. Scotty Parker suddenly looks knackered. Mick McCarthy appeared to swap places with Wigan in the blink of an eye. Steve Bruce is on a suicide watch and I suppose if I was pushed then only Blackburn look to me like they might remotely give it a go. My wild guess is 2-0.

Fourteen points if my GCSE grade 3 maths is still rocking in the free world. Have we won anything? Let me just check the old raffle tickets. Ah yes. A European tour the class of which one might readily look forward to if one were an asylum seeker concealed in a drum of time expired anchovy paste.

It’s moments like these I want to rant and rave about all those infuriatingly stupid points that were dropped long before we got here. I’ll that leave it to you.

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  • SpurredoninDublin says:

    In addition to what you have already pointed out, this would also be the likely date of a replay in the event that the it was not decided on the day. Am I correct in thinking that there will be a replay in the event of a draw after 120 mins?

  • dancingbarber says:

    There are some very nice places in Europe off the beaten track – never mind Barcelona what about Gornik ?

    Belgium can charm anyone given a warm autumn and a pair of dark glasses.

    I have enjoyed the season so far – better than I hoped for (sorry mean expected) and I’m not going to spoil it all by fretting about the results of our last matches.

    This state of mind can only be achieved by a lifetime of supporting Spurs……………..

  • david says:

    We have everyone fit bar Hutton, Wilson, Ledders and Woody and 7 games to go.
    If we can avoid any injuries to key players we still have a shout of finishing fourth.
    It is still in our hands and we just have to give it 100% in every game.
    No distractions, no excuses, man up and finish the season in style.

  • jfdit says:

    Can’t see last season’s run in ‘form’ happening again myself – hope I’m wrong but this season has damp squib stamped all over it.

    I think we’ve bottled it this year in the league big time, just watching the probable winners on tv and they look piss poor.

    If we don’t get 4th I hope we fail to get 5th, stick the europy league up your arses let the scousers have it and we’ll have a go at winning the league

    • LosLorenzo says:

      “this season has damp squib stamped all over it. I think we’ve bottled it this year in the league big time, just watching the probable winners on tv and they look piss poor.”

      Didn’t you say the same thing this time last year? I know I did.

      It looks tough, but it looked equally insurmountable last time out. Back then it was uncharted terrain. Now the whole team have ‘been there, done that’.

      ManShiti, on the other hand, are probably starting to think “why haven’t we sealed the deal yet,” and have all sorts of worries come sneaking.

      In might be more or less over by Thursday, but it might be just heating up.

      How can any self-respecting YIDDO sit 3 points behind the competition, a game in hand, and seven left to play, and say “it;s all over”.

      MAN UP! (or woman up. Don’t want to be tarred a chauvanist as well as a racist)


      • jfdit says:

        I did say exactly the same thing last season at this point, I was delighted to be proved wrong, difference this season is citeh’s better form and goal difference.

        Also we have three really tough away games – when was the last time we won at anfield or second hand fridge in the league?

        Still beat the scum and we’ll bound to pull it off won’t we?

  • eastanglianspur says:

    If we had some goal scorers I would say we could win all these fixtures. Crouch is back, so Pav will no doubt be benched.

    VDV has faded away in the latter part of the season, so where are our goals going to come from?
    The wonder boy can only do so much and Modric & Lennon only score occasionally.

    Unless Defoe gets his finger out and VDV finds some form, I think your predictions are very optimistic Harry.

    We live in hope.

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