

Image for Berbatov

The current Tottingham frontline couldn’t score in a Chinese brothel with a pocket full of rice. Would you do a deal with the devil?

I think I’m on record as saying that this son of ****** Baldgarian actually came from a place that was so low that even the rats was hunchbacked.

I remember watching The Paul Daniels Magic Show and he had Robert Maxwell on as a publicity seeking stooge. The Bouncing Czech repeatedly plugged his organ – Daniels hushed him, saying to camera – ‘people play tricks with mirrors.

The Daily Mirror are suggesting that he could return to The Lane at knockdown price of £10M-£12M. Wow.

Now suspend ye olde ‘paper talk!’ and answer me this. Would you have him back?

Before you reply, don’t get tooooo precious. Gallas is giving many of us the guiltiest of hot flushes. And he used to …. well, you know.

There’s a poll so you can express your view without the bother having to make up a user name.


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  • Finn says:

    I don’t think Berba would fit in, I also think he’s peaked and may only have one more good season at best. I also think the set up at ManU supports him and fills in the gaps in his play (like being lazy) whereas ours would more likely expose them.

    I think we missed a good chance at Van Nistelroy who is still banging them in and has proved to have been one of the best at the lone striker role that our system needs. I think it also fair to say that Defoe has been a casualty of that system and PSB was given the chance to develop into a VdV type role but either refused to or couldn’t make the transition. I think even now or this season at least RVN would have converted a lot of the 30 odd chances per game that have gone begging, (shit I reckon I might have and I’ve not put my boots on in 20 years!). I have a sneaky suspicion that Harry might still look RVN.

    I’d like to see some of the young’ens given a go tho’ and lets face it if all they can do is not score and run around a bit well where’s the loss.

  • HR says:

    If we are so adamant that we don’t want him back and he will get a hard time if he does return, then we may as well hold the door open for him to join that lot down the road.

    Whilst he is a sulky, stroppy so and so I would rather see him in a spurs shirt than a red and White one.

    When he left and had a dodgy start I found it quite amusing but I knew it was only a matter of time before he clicked as he is a class player.

    He is a proven goal scorer who would probably fit well into the current squad. Harry is ‘bigger’ than BMJ and hopefully will not take the same shit berba threw before.

    The big question is, if we have the oppo and don’t sign him then who else will (one of our main competitors) and will it make them stronger (yes).

    • eastanglianspur says:

      You’re missing the point. Redknapp doesn’t like sulky, stroppy players, he keeps them on the bench i.e. Pav and Hutton. Redknapp likes the quiet life with good lads like Modders, who come in and train hard etc. etc.

      Perhaps that’s one of the problems at Spurs – Old Redders is a pipe and slippers man. :lol:

  • Brycie says:

    Less of the sentiment bring back the baldgarian indeed mo forking about this time 9 mil is a steal just as long as sluralix isn’t looking a deal done the other way say for Mod or the bot bale . He isn’t happy at Yanited cos the wee pea is scoring for fun looks a goodun and all pity the Mexican we bought couldn’t emulate that where is 2 saints
    now anywho?

  • TMWNN says:

    Defoe told the Spurs website: ‘It’s a massive game. I think Chelsea have picked it up from their little dip in form but we always play well against the top teams and I think we are good enough to win.

    ‘We all think we can get fourth.’

    This mentality is the problem. It’s almost as though they’re choosing when to turn it on.

    • SpurredoninDublin says:

      I am far from certain that I agree with the claim that (this season) we are doing well against the top four. Our record so far this season is 2-4-1, and one of those wins was against a Roy Hodgson Liverpool team.

      For all that, with JD’s record this season, I have trouble thinking who amongst the regular first team squad has failed to perform less than him, and now we are looking at him as some sort of motivational speaker.

      When Daws talks like this, I take notice because you know he will give 100%. When JD talks like this, I wonder “Who woke him up”?

  • bill.. says:

    Berbatov was a great player for us but saw us as a step to united its fair to say his and keanes partnership was sublime…his depature was tainted.i cant see united letting him leave…?? Goals talk….if he returns then harry would sort as the club is in a better place and the players have more to say in their great effort since he left……to be honest ..we would be title contenders with him and stable defence without injury….as far as gallas is concerned ..hes earnt his spur…

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