

Image for BIOYRMC!

Once more unto the breach, dear Yids, once more;
Or close the wall up with our Chick King boxes.
In peace there’s nothing so becomes a man
As Modders stillness and humility:
But when the blast of Azza Blud blows in our ears,
Then imitate the action of the tiger;
Steffen the Freundts, summon up the Thudd,
Disguise fair shoooooots with hard-favour’d range;
Then lend Arry’s twitching eye a terrible aspect;
Let pry through the large port drunk in bed
Like the brass cannon; let Sandro’s mono-brow o’erwhelm it
As fearfully as doth a galled Bostock
O’erhang and jutty his confounded drum n’ base,
Swill’d with the wild and wasteful Defoe.
Now set the Jordan’s teeth and stretch the Gallas nostril wide,
Hold hard the breath and bend 3 Metre Peter
To his full height. On, on, you noblest English.
Whose blood is fet from London Gin 40° proof!
Fathers that, like Greavsie after 19 Brandy Alexanders,
Have in these parts from morn till last orders fought
And sheathed their swords for lack of buses home
Dishonour not your mothers; now attest
That those whom you call’d Bill Nick did beget you.
Be copy now to men of bulging bagels,
And teach them how to war. And you, good Chirpy,
Whose limbs were made in N17, show us here
The mettle of your pasture; let us swear
That you are worth your breeding; which I doubt not;
For there is none of you so mean and base,
That hath not noble Lilywhite lustre in your eyes.
I see you stand like Archibald in the slips,
Straining upon the start. The game’s afoot:
Follow your spirit, and upon this charge
Cry ‘God for Harry Redshnapps, Tottinghams, and Saint Burkinshaw!’

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  • eastanglianspur says:

    I agree with a lot of the comments here and what stands out about the match is Morinho’s class tactics. Our midfield was completely neutered. Modders never got a look in and believe it or not we missed Palacios and as someone else said why was Hudd on the bench?

    I still say VDV should never have been taken off, it just weakened an already struggling midfield. We needed to salvage the game at one nil if at all possible.

    We need, too, to realise that Crouch and Defoe are Championship strikers. As for Jenas, he’s the one with a Gooner badge on his Range Rover isn’t he?

  • SpoletoSpur says:

    The frustrating thing is that in spite of our poor performance they only scored one goal that wasn’t avoidable.

    Di Maria’s goal was fantastic, the others were down to poor marking and a goalkeeper error.

    With slightly better defendng we’d still be in this tie.

  • greavesie says:

    hopeless the lot of you – call yourself supporters? this is the best season we’ve had in 45 years and we hit a major road bump. looks to me like these players – mostly very young – have reached their limits this season, busting their guts for the likes of you, and don’t have much left in the tank.

    next season consolidation and a challenge for the title, the year after, ECL champions. – this is just the start – you losers give up too easily and are too quick to criticize – as if you could do any better!

  • Finn says:

    A case for Jose Mourinho to be the next Spurs Manager

    It sounds a bit odd really saying we could actually snag the man I personally consider to be one of the world’s best football managers. But it seems that there could be a case for Jose, assuming of course there’s a vacancy. However I think there’s a good chance that Fabio will stay for the Euros and Harry will replace him after that.

    So why would JM take a role at Spurs? For starters he has stated he wants to come back to the UK. He could replace Fergie or Wenger, but I think they would have to be stone cold dead and the keys to the manager’s offices prized out of their cold dead hands. Chelski is another possibility, but he’s been there and done it and there may be baggage.

    I also get the impression he’d prefer to be in London, and apart from the fact that he has always displayed impeccable good taste and would consider both the Bin Dippers and Citeh a step down in his standards, I think the path they are on is not one that would offer him the challenges he personally needs. The Liverpool culture would not suit him I think and the idea of a Yank looking over his shoulder would have as little appeal as a Russian and of course Citeh is just a do-over: basically Chelski Mark II.

    So THFC: based in London and a chance to work with a club of great tradition, stability and quality football roots. A chance also to shine within a scenario that doesn’t lend itself to the accusation of limitless pots of money to spend, but will spend when it can or must. A test maybe of his ability and skill to do the job on a level playing field and take it to Wenger and Fergie and say……. “See I can do it anywhere!”

    Of course the man is not so blasé without thinking through the pragmatics. The financial strength of the club, its growing links to the business world of the US, its squad facilities and ambitions to push on and develop with a new stadium and top class playing and coaching staff, all recommend it as a place where ambition and capability meet. A place where a man who likes to live his own legend can grow that legend not just nurse it.

    The man has been remarkably complimentary of the Club, Harry and the players. He has gone out of his way to win over the Spurs fans, little things like patting crouch on the back last night, being very magnanimous in victory with not a trace of disrespect to the club and still maintaining the levels of respect as a threat at WHL. He gave Gazza tickets to his private box, calling him the Special One…little things true, but he’s gently courted us for some time now, why?

    The timing may not be quite right for a RM exit in 15 months time, but if he wants to go I’m sure he will and if we wanted him AND actually could get him, well we’ve already demonstrated we’ll cough up compensation.

    I think the motivators would be that he’d be allowed to do what he wants to do, The relationship at Spurs is directly with Daniel Levy not some faceless billionaires or some Oligarch hanging over his shoulder with a cool million in one hand and an Uzi in the other. He’s proved time and again that he’s a football man, recklessly passionate at times but consistently to the ideals of winning and playing the game. At THFC he can play the beautiful game whilst teaching us how to win.

    I may just be seeing patterns in the tea leaves, but if he comes back to the UK as he says he wants to do and doesn’t replace Fergie or Wenger, where else?

    • Kojac says:

      we don’t have enough money for jose,he’d more likely want to take liverpool back to the league title

  • 39 39 39 says:

    I hope you made a copy of that post Finn, perhaps you could repost it at regular intervals. Give us a reminder to be hopeful.

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