
The When Kenny Met Wengy Caption Competition!

Image for The When Kenny Met Wengy Caption Competition!

King Kenny’s rejuvenated Liverpool have of late become my second team. A sound job on Citeh and a their performance against Arsenal demonstrated the sort of determination to win that any team would be proud to adopt.

The highlight of the game was the last few minutes. Part time Arsenal striker Robin Van Persie celebrated scoring by revealing the sort of vest you’d normally expect to see being worn by blokes in a gaff that had mirrors over the urinals.

It looked as if Liverpool’s fate was sealed. But Liverpool hadn’t read the script. Dalglish’s lot ploughed onwards and as time fell away second by second a free kick was awarded.

The Suarez belted it and the ricochet resulted in a two man school playground ‘Pile on!’ featuring Lucas and Eboue. Penalty. As nailed on as you’re ever likely to see.

Arsenal and in particular Arshavin aka ‘The Kid With The Missing Chromosone’  wrestled for several minutes with the seemingly alien concept of ’10 feet away from the ball’.

The Suarez belted it and the ricochet resulted in a two man school playground ‘Pile on!’ featuring Lucas and Eboue. Penalty. As nailed on as you’re ever likely to see.

Kuyt scored. The whistle blew and then we all got a treat. Technical area footage of Arsene and and Kenny experiencing two very different sets emotions. And Kenny told Arsene to pee off.

What should have Kenny said to Arsene?

How could we resist and thank you to Citizen Felching for the nudge. Best one liner wins a pocket book of your choice Spurs, Liverpool, or indeed Arsenal!

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  • Harry Hotspur says:

    AW DO you like my suit? I can make my arms go zis far….

    KD Mine’s shite, son I can barely move, look.

  • Mr_Spiggott says:

    AW – “Ah will give you £10 each for your zexy liddle full back boys”

    KD – “git te fuk”

  • Mr_Spiggott says:


    KD “De ya wanna hug wee man ?”

    AW “Yes one of zoze speshul hugs I give to cesc ?”

    KD “Merde !”

  • Mr_Spiggott says:


    AW “Will ye be lettin me win the game on points der Kenny ?” (He’s really irish)

    KD “Feck off”…..”Arse”…..”Drink”….”Gerls”

  • melcyid says:

    aw “hug de homme pour moi Kenoit”

    kd “its nawt gon ter harpen jimmy”

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