
A Quote To Strike Fear Into Your Hearts

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Ask not for whom the bell tolls. It tolls for thee; for me and indeed just about anyone who has Arry Redschnapps involved in any aspect of their football team’s Buying Dept. this August.

This morning the news trickled down like wee down the leg of a distressed child that West Ham United (T/A Naughty Knickers Newham LTD) will indeed be holding a bring and buy sale for their ‘Internationals’ if and when they become the owners of the swankiest stadium in the Championship.

“It’s unrealistic to ask an England player to come down and play in the Championship,” warned Gold, who has recently been in hospital, where he was treated for cholangitis – an infection of the common bile duct – and septicaemia.’ he told the BBC.

So who will be on the trellis tables amongst the bric-a-brac then?

Robert Green. Transfer value? Blimey. I dug out a 2009 transfer rumour relating to him replacing Peter Cech – no laughing at the back, please – that offered a figure of £14million. Difficult to believe he’s worth half that at this moment in time. As goalkeepers go he’s certainly not the worst. I’d still take him above Ben Foster. Then I’d take a grapefruit with a face drawn on it over Foster.

Carlton Cole. I was, in a previous life sat behind Cole watching the Hammers play West Brom (don’t ask, I can’t explain) the game was horrible. Cole leaned over to his minder and whispered in his ear, ‘It wouldn’t be nil – nil if I was playing, bruv.‘ I always thought Baldric was an only child. Cole makes Darren Bent look like a Stephen Hawking. Oh yes and he’s rubbish at playing football. Transfer value? I predict an opening request for £15million but as with these sort of events it’s all about bartering and Steve Bruce should pick him up along with a box of assorted Star Wars figures for half that in an ‘undisclosed fee’ deal.

Matty Upson. ‘England’s Matty Upson.’ Another piece of junk. This is the end of the table with all the stuff that Cash Converters wouldn’t take. Trawling Google back in time you can find a tale that a pre Mancin Manchester City might have shown an interest in him. In January of this year the Mirror ran with a tale that Arsene Wenger and Steve Bruce (sorry mate) were going ‘head to head’ to drop £500,000 on the player.

Scotty Parker. I’ll have the name Sebastien Bassong hurled at me again, but what is it about people getting excited over players in teams that have been in the relegation zone all season long? It makes no sense. By reverse, Spurs have had another good season (no, they have) yet the rumours of ‘audacious swoops’ don’t mention Jermain Jenas. So how is Scott Parker somehow a cherry on the top of a cake – that’s made of poo? I just don’t get it.

The fear is and I’m telling you now this is on the money …these are precisely the type of players that get old Arry’s juices flowing. Maybe he realises that even Cole wouldn’t be a great move. Maybe. But the rest?

Watch this space…

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  • toddspur says:

    slightly off topic but fuck it gonna say it anyways;

    Europa League would be a fuckin disaster for us UNLESS…..Arry plays second string throughout…and when I say 2nd string I mean caulker, parret (et al) all recalled and playing in this comp.

    • Onedavemackay says:

      You are so right. The good news is Arry seems to agree with you.

      • Fatfish says:

        The bad news is, even if we finish 6th we are top of the fair play league. So if the PL is one of the 3 from 11 that get in that way, we could be still playing on a Thursday night.

        • Toddspur says:

          FF. Please stop writing such negative posts ;)

          Are there any rules against us playing 2nd string players in this dreadful comp?

        • nicktheyid says:

          I dont think even as bad as our luck has been and playing jenas every game WE could get lower than 7th.unless……”jose,its arry.arry know the bloke from totnam,yeah yeah gareth bale…any way how did you tell those players to get sent off?”

    • MysteriousStranger says:

      It would the only way to approach such a two-bob competition. Then loan the youngsters out again in January once their little stint in Europe/Carling Cup is over.

      It’s a rare day when I agree with Droopy. :shocked2:

  • toddspur says:

    …oh and on topic

    Dont want any Spammers thank you very much

    Cunts all of em

    Happy to sell them (nay give them) Jenas and PSB

  • frontwheel says:

    I’d have Demba Ba.I think thats how his name is spelt

  • Clive says:

    Don’r want any of them. Sandro or Parker? Sandro thanks.

  • James says:

    I love this article, I love the comments. Nobody really wants Parker,and the last but one comment Demba Ba, just missed out… But Parker, oh how he has changed our minds. SHame our blip had to come at the hands of the arse.

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