

Image for RubberChopsGoesBallisticDefoeIsAtrocious

We done ’em.

But to listen to some of the natives we actually lost 1-2 and were relegated ourselves. I have listened to Arry and I have listened to the voices of discontent. I am one of those voices, to an extent. No sentient being likes being called an idiot. And as I hopefully made the point in my Gerald Ratner piece, Arry is sailing naffin’ close to the wind here.

He lacks many things but good grace  has now emerged as something he wouldn’t recognise if it painted itself pink, leaped out of a birthday cake and singing ‘Good Grace Is Here Again’ to a full orchestral accompaniment. Clearly the hostile nature of The Lane is getting to him. Well if you can’t stand the heat…

And such is the advice I’d also give to those demanding his dismissal. Okay, he’s biting the hand that feeds, I get that. But so what? The man’s clearly a fool but if there’s a hanging to be had let’s hang him on his achievements or lack of them as a manager. Not on his inability to cope with being asked pretty straightforward questions by a bloke with a microphone.

I’m more concerned with his ability to put right the wrongs of the last window and sort out a goalie – if all faith in Gomes is lost, – a striker to partner Pav, and another defender to acknowledge that Woody is a gonner and Ledders is nothing more than an occasional treat.

The bottom line is that we have European football and I think some have lost sight of what that means. We mustn’t allow ourselves to degenerate into becoming part of those disagreeable Droogs  that seem incapable of humor, of joy.

These Droogs, these low brow beasts expect us to win every game and for no one to ever make a mistake. Sure, when I see Jermaine J**** has been telling some poor hack that he’s determined to push on for a fourth place finish my first urge is remove his larynx with gardening trowel, but I don’t call time on my support for the whole shebang.

There is a expediency these days in football that would make the be-headings during the French Revolution appear considered. Carlo Ancelotti has been binned or binned by mutual consent at Second Hand Fridge. This is nothing shy of insane.

Clearly an intelligent man. A winner as both a player and as a manager. He oversaw a Cheatski side that had their number one goalscorer out with Malaria and their 20 goals a season midfield supremo out with injury and still finished second. The verdict? Not good enough, ‘Miss Jones might you be so kind as to send the next candidate in, thank you so much.’

No Champions League football is a disappointment but hardly plunges us into raging sea of ‘can’t cope without you’. Does it? Does it really? The positives of Arry’s reign appear to some to have been eclipsed by not only his daft comments but by his mistakes. Have they really?

Arry’s backed wrong horses. If any of you venture into a bookmakers, you will notice that most customers after placing their bets have no need to make a return trip to the counter to collect. Whilst we would expect him to have a higher success rate than your average punter, the point I make is that everybody makes mistakes.

Football management is no different to any other discipline and the fewer you make, the better you do.

Defoe has been a complete flop. 3 MP has been as useful as a puncture in a life-jacket. Yes I am aware of him single handed scoring that goal wot got us into the Champions League but I am equally aware of the other one he scored that confirmed we were out of it.

Arry has made mistakes, but getting to the quarter finals of the Champions League, a booking for another, if less glamorous European tour, if compounded by retaining the services of the Boy Bale and Modders cannot be judged as a disgrace.

Yes he needs to pull his finger out and buy in chaps for where we are light, yes he needs to wake up and realise that out of our existing strikers Pav is the only one worth retaining.

Arry has limited skill sets. He can’t communicate well with ‘non nationals’. Is telling Pav to run about a bit actually all that funny when you discover that it’s true? Trust me, he’s replace Modders with Scott Parker if he could get away with it. ‘Well at least you can talk to ‘im’ would be the line.

Instead of calling us idiots, he’d do well to listen before opening that seeping East End drain of a gob of his. Remember when he was about to bring Ghally on and suddenly thought better of it? Try a bit more of that Arold my old china. Crouch was verbally abused (I suspect he probably prefers a more hands on, mildly lubed approach) yesterday by a Client Reference number. Twice.

Pav scored a pair of Champions League quality goals and when he’s in the ground we sing his name.

Look, I’ve got to make some lunch. But what I’m saying is, the abuse on both sides is partly justified but let’s not lose sight of what we’ve got here and where we’re heading. And remember what a great man once said…

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  • Ehbahgumspur says:

    I would go further than Harry and call these idiots whinging tw*ts. In the recent past we were celebrating under Martin Jol for qualifying for Europe in 5th place, I am also old enough to remember winning this trophy twice on unforgettable European nights.
    Harry is not perfct and has his faults but as someone else has said, who would we get to replace him – Bruce, Coyle, Moyes, Grant is available, I would take Jose in a heartbeat but that is the stuff of dreams.
    I know we are all frustrated that we are just a class forward from glory but Harry does not buy strikers – Levy does that. Harry had to put his faith in our 4 international strikers and they spectacularly failed us all.
    Spurs have always had fickle, hard to please fans, and a lot of these people have always hated Redknapp and can’t wait for him to say something controversial so they can have a go. Get a grip you moaning tw*ts.

    • toddspur says:

      welcome to the mayhem….and wise words indeed

    • Deano says:

      Clever using Moaning Twats rather than idiots.
      Suit yourself. Be happy with 5th.

    • forhodssake says:

      We dont have to wait very long do we?

      A day without a Redknapp reminder of how great he is comes rarely.

      I have read few posts saying he should be sacked but the majority of posts on this and most other sites seem to be united in their dislike of him as an individual.

      • Deano says:

        I dont dislike him.
        Just dont like being condescended!
        Even if what I say is rubbish to him, I am still entitled to an opinion.

        • astromesmo says:

          The clue is in the question… It’s like catchphrase with TV’s own Roy Walker. The question mentioned ‘People on phone-in’s’ and his response was based accordingly.

          Now, if we all believed that the world of football should be governed and run by those ringing 606, to speak to a man who thinks he’s a world authority on football having never kicked a ball, we’d really be in trouble… You think FIFA are bad?

          Have you ever been unfortunate enough to be hemmed in with that show in a place where you couldn’t reach the volume dial or kill the driver of the car to turn it off?

  • Wowsers says:

    Slavan Bilic.

    He would be quality for us.

    • astromesmo says:

      Ex West Ham, would guarantee you instant hate from exactly those currently trying to get rid of Redknapp. Frying pan, fire. If HR is getting sack calls for getting to the last 8 of CL and beating both Milan’s in the process, Bilic would need to win it.

  • Spurfect says:

    I’m not happy with these results, or performances either, including matches such as West Brom etc. But using that stat against the Goons is a little stupid. There’s a difference of 17 points in those games, therefore we gained 11 points playing teams higher up the table, thus beating/getting results against ‘better’ teams than they did. Including beating them in their own back yard. Yes I find the amount of these results against lower unacceptable, but comparing against the scum is a bit of a nonsense.
    The attitude before these games was never right. Always over praising their team and getting excuses ready.
    At the end of the day, enough money wasn’t spent last summer to make the QUALITY signings we needed for the campaign. Forget January, that was our second chance to scrape something together (where we shouldve pounced on Suarez to provide that fresh injection of creativity.. The summer should’ve been the time and it never happened.
    Lets hope this summer some wrongs are righted, the boy Hazard looks a good bet to me.

    • Deano says:

      How is it a nonsense?
      You even admit that the attitude wasnt right!!!
      This is exactly my point.
      I’d take losing away at Liverpool and beating West Hame home and away, blackpool home and away and wigan home and away to qualifying for the CL.
      Wouldnt you???
      Even losing to those idiots at the immigrants would be acceptable if it meant qualifying.

      • Deano says:

        Also my use of comparison against the gooners is that it proves being a flat track bully will get you CL, not beating those around you.

        • Spurfect says:

          If we hadn’t beat those around us we’d have ended up about 7th! Picking and chosing who you prefer results to be against isnt an option, we shouldve beat these teams and we didnt for various reasons. And you have to except that the odd one or two of these matches might not end up in 3 points. Its the quantity of these games that we slipped up in that is the problem.

      • Spurfect says:

        Its not about trading wins for losses?? We won the games we won. We let ourselves down on games we expected to win. Its nonsense because you can draw any number of comparisons depending on what games you pick. Why compare our results against another clubs because the reserve can be said of other results?
        Like I said Im not happy with the results against the bottom 5, but that should be ruled against our own capabilities not against someone elses results.

        • Deano says:

          Chill out. Its just proving a point.
          I could have used nearly every team in the league as a comparison!
          I you wanted me to say we should have just beaten the “weaker” teams.
          We should have beaten the waeker teams.
          There. Said it.
          Please refer to SPorting Billy above……..

  • ricewireless says:

    Spurs fans we are unbelievable or some of us are..when realism bites some of you fans will realise this season has actually been ok. Quarter finals of champions league do none of you remember the scum all stating we would be gone by the group stages? Redsnaps makes mistakes, he talks b******s and yes, our forward line are shocking (crouch and that friggin tongue stuck out lark). But, I remember Gross, I remember Ardiles, I remember Francis, even Hoddle the God was shocking. Lets get a few in, get a load out and have a great next season i still have my Jol shirt from when we got 5th happy days
    Deano you must be all of twenty

    • Deano says:

      Sorry Harry it appears you have some complete guessers on your blog…..

      ricewireless I am not even going to bother telling you what I have/ havent achieved as a spurs fan over the years as I think its sad to watch a grown man beg for forgiveness.

      As Ive said before if you are happy with 5th for the rest of your life go become an Everton fan and be pleased thats all youre ever going to get again.

      I on the other hand will believe in better and hope that Jol started it, Harry pushed it on (may even continue to) and A N Other will finish it.

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Cheap shot at a decent poster. House rules: 1. Pick only on me. 2. Obey all the rules. Ta.

  • notsohotspurs says:

    woahhhhh the harry redknapp
    woahhhhh the harry redknapp
    you get harry in, you get harry out
    in, out, in, out shake him all about
    you do the two from eight and turn the club around
    cos thats what it’s all about

    gotta love idiots

    • jerkinmahjurgen says:

      roflmfao!!! I think those moaning on blogs are youngsters, surely? Can’t remember what it is being a Spurs fan. Maybe it should be law to display your age in user-name, or have sections of sites specifically for kids… Half a dozen against six. Harry could improve, but some of these fans… did the moaning stop even temporarily after Anfield? Did it, ****! People moaning when we could still finish 4th. Oh, the lovely world of blogging.

    • kojac says:

      haha,do the 2 from 8

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