
11 O’Clocker – £22M Bid Dismissed

Image for 11 O’Clocker – £22M Bid Dismissed

Good evening fight fans.

Word in from Roger Morgan on Spurs Odyssey is that a bid of £22M has come in and been rejected from ….Chelsea Football Club.  Ol’ Rog has had a few triumphs in the past and I’d be stunned if this isn’t in a major newspaper in the morning.

£22M? Mmmnn. In the shadow of the Torres ‘swoop’ it seems a bit naffin’ short on the jolly. But that was a bid apart. It came from Abramovich. Detach emotion and £22M is probably no more than £10M off the market worth.

‘Do wot H? You slag!!!’

And breathe. You do not get mental money for stellar players like Modders in the Premiership from Premiership sides.  Bids that size of bid only comes in for English ‘punts’ for the future. Didn’t you get the memo?

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  • Steveo1987 says:

    Trouble is even if you sell someone for huge dosh you then find even the Ginger Pele types have gone up 10mill when you put in a bid for them. I’m almost bored to tears with the speculation already.

  • EDL_are_Pussys_YIDARMY_all_the_way!!! says:

    I have this bad feeling if he does go , we will end up buying Charlie Adam and Scott Parker, worst nightmare……..! thats even worse then your best mate dating your mum!!!! …….. even the thought!!!!!!

  • ToniMontana says:

    this is why we cant afford to finish 5th anymore.

    top4 is a must every fucking season, you hear me Redknapp you cunt.

  • Dougie says:

    Irrespective of what Modric is supposedly worth, £10m more or not, that’s not the price that’d have to be paid to have our best player levered away with Levy publicly going back on the crux of his chairman’s statement. The buyer wouldn’t just be paying for the player. Manchester City in a fit of absolute madness could possibly hit the price. Other than that, not going to happen. Levytax.

  • Yorkshire Yid says:

    It’s not about the money you ge or make it’s about the principle of the club you are or hope to be. I will never set foot at whl again if we sell him this summer regardless of the cash offered after everything thats been said by Levy and twitch. Moreover what didn’t happen last summer and in January.

    I won’t ever stop supporting but will never return… throwing away 20 years of season tickets. We had it with both Carrick and Dracula and now Luka so what’s the point in trying to compete if you don’t have the plums to say ‘fook off’…politely of course

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