
11 O’Clocker – Joe Cole Medical

Image for 11 O’Clocker – Joe Cole Medical

Bonsoir. Wot is foreign for good evening, that is.

Mmmmn. If this is true I am in the words of Norman Stanley Fletcher, most dis-chuffed.  This importation of  £3M quids worth of muck  is supposedly a genuine threat now. Meh.

Roger Morgan on Spurs Odious says that one of the world’s worst footballers is due for a medical. With us. There is a Harold Shipman gag in there somewhere but I’m too distressed to even attempt it.

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  • 4 Ever Hopeful says:

    Now it really is the beginning of the end. How many more injury prone has beens is this guy gonna sign? Let’s hope he lands Capello’s job pdq.

  • Brycie says:

    He might be having s medical but(a) is it at Spurs, (b) he prob won’t pass it and (c) there us only so much medical science can fix form is temporary class lasts forever and poor Joe has been deficient of both for quite some time now 3 mil maybe worth a punt better than 50 for someone who couldn’t score in Copperface Jacks!!!

  • Bobajob says:

    Get a grip guys !!!!! Newspaper speculation !!! Don’t fall for it !!! So far ALL our players are going EVERYWHERE and LOADS of players are coming to us .. about 25 already and the window has only been open a couple of weeks

  • H says:

    Theres no way Levy would allow Arry to buy Joe cole for £3m and £100k in wages! if he is coming then I guarantee Liverpool are paying half his wages.
    If thats the case then he’s not a bad risk as a squad member/ as cover for VDV when and if Keano moves on.

  • Chris h says:

    It drives me nuts being a spurs fan, it’s embarrassing reading the tripe that so called fans come up with, moaning about redknapp, his buying policy and team selection. Are you blind? We have had a 4th and then 5th place finish in the last two seasons and a good run in the champions league. Compared to what we have had in previous years it has been great yet you still moan. No team who makes their debut in the champions league does well in the prem that season so it’s no surprise we didn’t get 4th. If I was redknapp and I read what some of you say then I would jump at the england job when it comes and sack you all off. Then we will get another manager and a year later you wil be moaning again.

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