
Modric, Bentley, J**** & Wilson

Image for Modric, Bentley, J**** & Wilson

The morning after the night before.

Modric goes to Zabgreb to have a formal wedding ceremony in a church after an earlier registry office job. The only story to emerge in the Croatian press is that he went out for crab with another couple and had a nice time.

Next, we get ‘exclusive’ interviews with the player presumably via his Boatphone telling us how sweetly we’ll all get along when he’s got Samsung written on his chest.

Levy & Co have been forced to issue a statement this morning. It’s emphatic and more to the point it reveals that Cheatski have been revealed yet again operating in a dubious manner in relation to transfers.

Abramovich is probably too smart to let the trail of tapping up lead to his door, but Modric better get himself a good lawyer to assist him in when he’s back on dry land.  His part time football agent/part time dry cleaner chappy is now out of his depth.

The grim specter of replacing Luka Modric with Scott Parker looms.

So to the others. A chap on Spurs Community Akqayid,  says that Bentley, Wilson and J**** have all gone. To whom, for what he doesn’t reveal. Maybe on a bear hunt, or a goose chase. It’s that time of the year.

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  • leon says:

    so what if we get £40 or £50 million what does that mean??it will jus be money in the bank or will end up paying well over the odds because everybody knows we have money to spend. its not £40 million to spend its 2 £10 million players on 50 grand a week each on a 4 year contract

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