
NDP or Bust?

Image for NDP or Bust?

Hello viewers.

It appeared at first glance to be just one of those Fridays that inevitably fall just before you get paid. At first glance you’d put your impending wages on it being one of those Fridays when you know with a burning certainty that Diego Forlan wasn’t really at the Lodge being asked to provide a urine sample. And him responding, perhaps in Spanish, ‘What, from over here?’

But it all got quite feisty. I can assure you of that. It took a turn for feistyness.

I was having a having a conversation with the highly esteemed and prolific author Norman Giller and the much respected media all rounder, Martin Cloake.

It was essentially that Norm and Martin both have faith in the notion, the idea of a coming together of all parties involved in the NDP now in the wake of Judicial Review having now been vetoed.

That a meeting of minds featuring involved parties in Haringey, THFC, Boris, Lord Coe, Mr Lammy etc could somehow thrash out a viable path to WHL being updated and upgraded for the 21st century and beyond.

My view was that this was a commendable, even noble but ultimately deluded view.

The decision to gift the stadium to a pair of Porn Barons running a Championship football club with enormous debts was in essence corrupt in so much that those wanting the stadium to remain after the Games merely wanted a monument to their achievements there forever for all to coo over.

I also suggested that given the surreal costs of expanding at the present location ie continuing with the NDP, that the Club would either need to put itself in hock to Bond villains/foreign investors or resign itself to working off it’s debts and not spending any money on players for a generation.

Before I ask you what you think, can I ask for something more sophisticated than either ‘let’s move in to Wembley’ or ‘I’d rather watch us in the Championship than leave N17.’ I would regard both of those sentiments as being as equally unbalanced.

So, what do you think?

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  • kojac says:

    but how can arsenal have 60,000 off the holloway rd with govt funding?

    and we can’t do anything a few miles up the road,it stinks of arsepoo

  • edspur says:

    If the NDP, as it’s planned, costs too much then whittle it down until it’s economic. If that means staying mainly in the same location but rebuilding one or more stands then do it and have enough cash left for some new traffic lights, triple yellow lines and a coat of paint each for WHL and Tottenham Hale stations if thats what “they” want. We could lower our expectations and costs at the same time while still making economically profitable alterations.

    Forget all this Levytwaddle about 30,000 on the waiting list. I bet only 5,000 extra would take up Season Tickets in the current climate. Adding just 10,000 to our capacity would increase income by almost a third. Isn’t that enough?

    I’d be interested to know if the space taken up by boxes earns more than ordinary seats on a per square foot/metre basis. If the seats make more then take out some boxes too.

    • Roland Rat says:

      Which means we have to lose all our players because we can’t afford to keep them with the lack of income. We have to have a bigger stadium to compete.

      The new Financial Fair Plat rules do not prevent an investor spending his pocket money on ground improvements though so that rich benefactor could work.

    • LosLorenzo says:

      “Adding 10k to our capacity would increase income by almost a third”

      You’re funny. If the added seats have the same average price as the existing ones, then adding 10k would increase our match day revenue by about 27,5%.

      However, match day revenue is only about 25% of our total revenue. So increasing the capacity by 10k would directly increase revenue by – wait for it – 6,7%.

      It would also increase revenue from competing in European competitions slightly. The ‘formula’ for working out the rewards paid out to the competing teams in CL and EL includes stadium capacity as a factor. However, this is only one of numerous factors, and so is unlikely to make a huge difference, especially if we’re only in the EL.

      I can also guarantee that boxes earn more per square foot than ordinary seating. This is why club owners (in practically all spectator sports, not just football) are so eager to install them. It is not simply because they prefer the company of corporate types, it is because it earns them more money.

      (So why don’t we just remove all the seating and have only corporate boxes?)

  • edspur says:

    One final question: why are the comments timed in French and not GMT? :angry:

  • edspur says:

    One final final point: I think I might know where Levy can lay his clammy hands on some cheap stadium parts in late 2012 :whistle:

  • Sid Trotter says:

    More important than the development of the stadium surely is the question …

    which fecker has hidden me Sauvignon!

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