Thought we’d tempt fate and move away from the transfer nonsense and have a play with this instead. In light of BMJ’s recent grumbles harking back to the miserable way he felt he was treated by THFC this old snap gives this old? snap currency.
Funniest caption wins you the undying respect of your peers and the ShotDeadInTheHead T shirt of your choice.
Winner will announced before Midnight tonight.
DC: Why are you laughing Martin?
BMJ: I’ve jusshht been watching Olive dresssshhed asssshh a clippie in On the Bussshhhes. Ssshhheees much funnier than that f*cking Lannssscchhh Percival.
Jol you can stir my custard in Olive after I’m done
DC: Sacked in the morning, you’re getting sacked in the morning, sacked in the morning, you’re getting sacked in the morning.
You might be smiling now Martin, but you won’t be smiling long!
DC: Did you know you look just like Muttley?
BMJ: Sassafrassarassum Damien Comolli.