
Boo Him

Image for Boo Him

Good morning.

Thought I’d take a few minutes out of the sweatshop business to talk about football. Being the keen eyed oaf that I am, I’m noticing an increasing swing from contempt to outright anger to wards Mr Wantaway, aka Modders.

My view has always been that online you can tear players apart and throw their metaphorically still quivering limbs and innards to starving dogs with teeth like knives. It’s online. Nobody gets hurt.

But when it comes to going to the game, you support. I believe that word is defined in places like Websters and such.I’m not proposing a Happy Clapper Club.  It’s just that scientists have proved that booing people doesn’t improve their performance. Screaming ‘Bentley you useless cad!’ at a guy preparing to take a corner does not inspire him to make the cross of his career.

So just for my own curiosity and perhaps for your own tell us how you feel – or more to the point – how you intend to express those feelings. There’s a poll below. When it comes to players STILL in the Lilywhite who you have issues with, do you boo?

Obviously bar stewards who walk out are quitters and benders of the lowest order. We boo, throw pieces of medium sized furniture, such as lamps, teasmaids etc at ’em. We make pithy remarks about their hairstyles and their shoes in a loud showy manner.

[poll id=”19″]

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  • Spurfect says:

    “Luka wants the chance to win things and he is ambitious. All I’ll say is that we are too at Tottenham.

    “It’s early days in the transfer market and no-one is more ambitious than our chairman Daniel Levy.

    “Luka wants to know that we’ll be right up there challenging next season and we are working hard to bring in a couple of big signings that may convince him to stick with us. I hope so.’

    Where are these DAMN signings!??? Im regressing into pre-neolithic man (otherwise know as a West Ham supporter) ‘Me want big strong good striker signing’

  • Astromesmo says:

    The wrongness of booing your own players was summed up for me when Dean Richards played for us, god rest his soul. After the Man Utd 5-3 collapse we had a similar problem against Pompey at the Lane. He took a hell of a lot of stick that day and the booing was audible around the ground every time he touched the ball. Sad thing was that I don’t think any of it was his fault – The knuckle draggers just needed a scapegoat. It was all pretty shameful and I felt horrible being in the ground that day.

    I don’t think anyone could ever accuse a player like Richards of lacking effort, the reality is that some people have a lot of hate bottled up and they just need somewhere to throw it. If it’s not at a footballer it would be at a bus driver, a cabbie, the wife or the kids. Sad really.

    • Spurfect says:

      Unfortunately according to some people, having a big price tag means you should automatically excel in every minute of every match you play, otherwise be labelled a flop.

    • SpoletoSpur says:

      some people have a lot of hate bottled up and they just need somewhere to throw it. If it’s not at a footballer it would be at a bus driver, a cabbie, the wife or the kids. Sad really

      And on that concludes this week’s Jeremy Kyle Show

  • Astromesmo says:

    How about, rather than booing, just a slow round of applause. Like the kind Randy Watson gets in ‘Coming to America’ after Sexual Chocolate do their number?

    No. 14… Luka Modric… let’s hear it…

    clap……………………… clap………………… cough…………………clap……………..clap.

    We could all shuffle uncomfortably in our chairs and possibly the announcer could drop the mic and add a burst of feedback?

  • kenny powers says:

    if we boo him this will just make him more determined to leave and it is bad enough as it is.

  • Sid says:

    I was walking down the street
    And heard a Croat voice beside of me
    And I looked round in a state of fright

    I saw four faces one rat
    A player from Croatia
    They looked me up and down a bit and turned to each other…….

    I SAY –
    I LOVE IT.

    First a tee shirt and now the chicken badge song!!

    • chickenbadge says:

      good work fella

    • essexian76 says:

      This is only if he leaves, mind?

      Hold your chicken in the air
      Snort some white stuff up your nose
      Watch your bride get bonked to death
      As he rips off all her clothes

      Paint your face in blue and white
      As your wages go sky high
      But it’ll never be the same
      And your agent takes the blame.

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