
Boo Him

Image for Boo Him

Good morning.

Thought I’d take a few minutes out of the sweatshop business to talk about football. Being the keen eyed oaf that I am, I’m noticing an increasing swing from contempt to outright anger to wards Mr Wantaway, aka Modders.

My view has always been that online you can tear players apart and throw their metaphorically still quivering limbs and innards to starving dogs with teeth like knives. It’s online. Nobody gets hurt.

But when it comes to going to the game, you support. I believe that word is defined in places like Websters and such.I’m not proposing a Happy Clapper Club.  It’s just that scientists have proved that booing people doesn’t improve their performance. Screaming ‘Bentley you useless cad!’ at a guy preparing to take a corner does not inspire him to make the cross of his career.

So just for my own curiosity and perhaps for your own tell us how you feel – or more to the point – how you intend to express those feelings. There’s a poll below. When it comes to players STILL in the Lilywhite who you have issues with, do you boo?

Obviously bar stewards who walk out are quitters and benders of the lowest order. We boo, throw pieces of medium sized furniture, such as lamps, teasmaids etc at ’em. We make pithy remarks about their hairstyles and their shoes in a loud showy manner.

[poll id=”19″]

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  • essexian76 says:

    I challenged a guy on another site, that if he could give me any direct quote from Modric or his agent other than “He’s under contract to Tottenham Hotspur and will of course be going to South Africa” then I’ll give him a tenner for each! Modric could’ve said quietly “No, thanks keep the arm-band, and my ankles still a bit sore” and no-one would know. So until I read a proper quote from him or his rep, then he’ll still retain my respect.

  • Ed says:

    never booed at the lane but have slung some expletives at the teevee

    booing at games is counter productive imo – unless its the opposition or some money grabbing git who left us for more dosh

    those who leave in a dignified manner still deserve a cheer or a clap at least untill the game starts

  • essexian76 says:

    There are always some whose glass is half empty and those that are half full, but in football there is no fluid, as it’s been drunk and the bottle thrown at the nearest passing object!

  • Boy Charioteer says:

    If people must boo (or jeer is it?) , the target should be worth booing. A wretch like Brian Mawhinney as an example could be jeered, leaving the jeerer guilt free. As could anyone else in public office who behaves abominably then uses football to try and buff up their already tarnished image.

  • lamf1958 says:

    ..and next from the “acceptable behaviour for a spurs supporter masterclass” How to watch a crap performance and not react negatively towards the players or manager at all, not a little bit, not boo, hiss or vent. just repeat to your self I accept our limitations, I accept the unacceptable. there isnt an elephant in the room it will be better in the morning when i’ve calmed down…

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