
Bullet Dodged

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Call me charm incarnate, but the news that Leandro Dimebar has signed for Internacional is good news. Whilst up to our knees (hello Jermain) in not very good strikers I simply could not see this guy as a reason to hold a street party.

SSN are saying we’ve made more than bid. To the best of my knowledge we made two and we didn’t have any competition from a third party. Internacional actually own 70% of the ‘hit man’ who’s YouTubage made him look like his gout was worse than Begbie’s.


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  • yiddo4ever says:

    One more year Modric, one more year….thats all we wanted. To see if we could reclaim our place in the top four and build a title challenge. We were gonna build this team around you, add some quality players. But just as things get interesting you fu@k off to your ‘dream’ club Ch@lsea. Thanx.

  • yiddo4ever says:

    If we sign Parker, joe Cole, lumpard or Ferdinand of the old boys Harry loves us club then i might switch to Cheatksi to!!!!

  • Spurfect says:

    Dont know about you but how about Dos Santos to step into the fold..?
    The way Harrys benched players himself, its no wonder others want to jump ship. As ive said before, I dont think the way Harrys treated Modrics croatian buddies has made him feel so at ease.

  • yiddo4ever says:

    I wonder if Levy actually trusts Rednapps judgment on players? Defoe, Palacios, Krancjer, Keane and Crouch all reported to be surplus to requiremnts and all recent Redknapp buys! Add to the mix that Bale was by all accounts ‘on his way’ before injury to Asso Ekotto and Van Der Varrt was actually a Levy buy and handed on a plate to Redknapp.

    • Chirpy says:

      Palacios and Keane, are almost certainly ‘for sale’, but so what, their form has visibly deteriorated and few would finger Redknapp as the cause? It is only (at this stage) rumour and speculation that Defoe and Crouch may be on their way; Niko has asked to leave, he is not considered by the club to be ‘surplus to requirements’.

      In any event, Defoe re-joined Spurs largely because Portsmouth could not pay for him; the same is true of Keane’s return from Liverpool (for c.10m less than they paid)

      As I said, Kranjcar is not ‘surplus’, he wants to play or leave, and will certainly not be going for less than the sum paid – despite the reduced term of his remaining contract.

      Crouch, I agree, but we needed a striker at the time and who knows whether he’s appreciated in value? Probably not, from GBP10m

      Bale’s value was depleted as a result of injuries and performance – a situation that has, on all accounts, improved radically since HR arrived.

      BAE was The Dame’s (Comolli) buy.

      VdV did indeed fall into our laps – but why ‘a Levy buy’?

      • MysteriousStranger says:

        “BAE was The Dame’s (Comolli) buy.

        VdV did indeed fall into our laps – but why ‘a Levy buy’?”

        Nobody said BAE was a “Harry buy”. We know who bought him. Nobody is advocating his sale. So the point is not a point.

        VdV was a “Levy buy” because as Harry himself said on the final day of the window from out of his car, “Daniel phoned me today and said there was a chance we could get him, would you be interested? And I said, go for it, triffic player”, or something along those lines.

        That would indeed suggest, VdV was not on Harry’s radar until Levy had begun negotiations/brokering any kind of suitable deal. Therefore, not really a “Harry buy”.

        • SpoletoSpur says:

          Harry also stated that we had made enquiries previously, think it may have been in a different transfer window though.

        • Chirpy says:

          Fair enough re. BAE, I mis-read the comment, but the fact that Levy ‘answered the phone’ on the final day of the window does not make VdV ‘his buy’. The reason he got the call was because the club had made, presumably with HR’s knowledge, enquiries previously.

  • Spurfect says:

    With the comments Redknapp has been coming out with i dont actually know how his position is tenable? Surely you cant be a manager of a side with certain aspirations and come out with such negative comments and still be there? Can you imagine how long Boas or Ancelotti wouldve lasted if they came out and said, ‘The title? Welllll its difficult aint it. Utd usually win that. Then Arsenal of course, City have been spending ya know’ Or a team at the bottom declaring that they have pretty much no chance of staying up. Ridiculous.

    • SmoggieSpurs says:

      Never been really anti-Redknapp like some but I agree, I think his conduct since (and including) the last home game where he branded the fans idiots and said “this is as good as it gets”, right through all his comments about Modric and unsettling him at every turn, and then his comments yesterday in the NOTW – just how does he still have a job?

      • Spurfect says:

        Ive been pro Redknapp most of his time here and acknowledge just what he’s done for us. But when it get to a point our own manager is writing off our chances and selling other clubs with his praise to our own players (he was gushing about Chelsea during the season also) then how can he LEAD us against them? A certain amount of this has to be laid at his door

      • Spurfect says:

        I mean Robbie Keane did a great job for us for years, and yet now he’s just a traitorous old knacker..

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