
Dawson Torches Shirt In Boardroom Demo

Image for Dawson Torches Shirt In Boardroom Demo

Michael Dawson wants out. Late last night the Spurs defender set fire to his team shirt at White Hart Lane in protest during an impassioned plea for a pay rise to Levy & Co turned into what experts are calling a ‘pyrotechnic palaver’.

Eyewitnesses are claiming that heated negotiations became literally combustible when the player, unable to cope with the Chairman’s hard ball iced tea tactics, lost his head and ignited his squad shirt in the North London Club’s boardroom.

Obviously this is cobblers. Made up. Untrue. But you have to ask yourself, ‘What’s next?’ There are two issues here. The players and the media. I’ll address the last one first.

I refuse to blame the media. Whilst we want the conventional press and us online wallahs to report in a reputable manner and not ‘make things up’ we cannot expect them not to report at all. It doesn’t work like that. Nor can you sit there in a huff acting all hurt that the news reported doesn’t suit you.

So then to the players. Guess what? Here’s where your problem is. The bulk of these  guys have nothing to do and all day to do it in. The bulk of them aren’t burdened academically. When their brains aren’t being pounded with choons via Jazzy Beats headphones they are either being tattooed or ordering bottles of Champagne that cost more than a small car.

So faced with a Chairman who runs a tight ship, knows he only has 36,000 seats to sell every other week and only so much in the bank they have to become inventive. Low animal cunning inventive. Jerry distracting Tom inventive and consequently the results are as cartoon like.

‘We had agreement!’ bleated Modders as security fecked him out a side door. No, schmuko. You have a contract.

Now we have the boy Dawson nervously approaching the venerable Bede, bowl in hand wanting more gruel. ‘Please sir, I want … I want m m m more, sir.’ Except the Little Levy doesn’t suddenly morph into Harry Secombe. He simply takes off his glasses, smiles faintly and asks, ‘Why?

A source close to the player has told The Sun that Mickey feels undervalued. Well guess what. So do we, son.

Yesterday I wrote that it was always the way that players came and went and it us – the mugs – clunking through the turnstiles, the mugs ordering polyester shirts with a little badge sewn into it, the mugs who leap about like madmen when a goal goes in on the radio … us mugs who stay forever.

So Michael,  if this ‘source close to the player’ is fictional tell us. If it is true then join the queue of slouches and also rans who in the final analysis never quite cut it with the people that count.


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  • What I dislike about footballers today is the lack of self belief they show, in the sense that they have to play with “better players” in a “better team” to become successful. In Tottenham you have a club on the verge of real success where a top player could make all the difference and consequently become a “great”…It is this lack of real greatness that so passess these little men by.

    If you have real talent, prove it, make an ordinary team into a winning team, can they do this…the answer is “NO”…this wasent the case 30 years ago ask Brian Clough who was successful in Europe with home grown players that stayed and fought for the cause….

    These wankers today are spoilt children who have no “greatness” in them, but isnt this like life where only a few will prove themselves to be really “special”

  • aitch says:

    What a load of shit. See Dawson’s statement on the Spurs home[age.

  • Ardiles says:

    Everytime I read this blog I am dumbfounded by the Bollocks spewed… You’re an ignorant arse!!! Keep talking about shirt colours, mugs talk and other simpleton things, you’re not capable about not’n else.

  • Spurfect says:

    Looks like the mail have Jigginsed another story together about modric handing in his transfer request, while his on the plane yes? Did they not here that any request would be turned down anyway? Were they not saying. That he wasn’t prepared to hand in a transfer request themselves? I’ve not clicked on it as I begrudge them one more hit. Consider the boycott officially started. It’s like everyone has walked away from the story apart from hacks like this screaming at the tops of their voices ‘nook, you HAVE to listen’ I’ve been paid good roubles to write this sh&te. What a load of old Jiggins

    • LLL says:

      His reps would send it in anyway, so him being on the plane has nothing to do with it. Treacherous little c*** – my guess is it’s true. Trying to force through the deal even though there hasn’t even been a ‘reasonable’ bid as of yet.

      • Spurfect says:

        Who cares? We’ve already stated that a transfer request wont do anything, itll be rejected. They’re just trying to make a story out of something which has already been addressed. Theyre that thick theyre acting like he hasnt already asked to move.

        Ooooo hes actually got someone to write it down for him on a bit of paper and put it on Daniel Levys desk, scary stuff. Theres nothing in a players contract that state if they put in a transfer request they can then go! Its just a statement. The club are stil in exactly the same position they were a few days ago, nothings changed. His stance was clear and now it just on a different bit of paper rather than the rags.

        It is funny how all these stories are being ‘reported’ in the croatian press so they cant take any of the blame for them, yet the direct story from yesterday was shown to be total lies.

        Our positions not changed one bit, and its clear any sale would be way in excess of £30M. Its a shame Gio isnt out in South Africa to show Harry he should give him a chance this year.

  • edspur says:

    The story emanates from Croatia, as usual. But theyhave been pretty accurate to date. Still Levy will just swat it away.

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