
Our Cup Runneth Under

Image for Our Cup Runneth Under

Good afternoon fat fighters.

Looking around at what other people achieved in their preseason friendlies it’s difficult to make a solid case for the end of the world being nigh. Looking at our lot fanny about for an hour and a half yesterday it’s easy to make a case for bellowing, ‘Sell the lot of ’em!’ at your telly box.

It was unedifying stuff. I’m a Pav fan and whilst he was really poor he was actually more interesting than Just For Men’s new poster boy PSB and the boy Defoe combined.

Krankie had some moves but that was largely about it. The game was a pedestrian affair despite the locals largely going bonkers from start to finish. My eye was particularly caught by a gentleman in the crowd sporting one tooth and a bible opened in the palm of his hand as their goal went in. Perhaps we should get him to look at the NDP for us.

What else can I tell you? the Kaiser Chiefs were a pretty insane bunch but they were as keen as custard. By contrast we looked every inch that if we’d been played someone good we’d have been not just been beaten but humiliated.

The crux of the problem (and you’ll be relieved to hear I’m not going to spend the rest of my life dwelling upon this game) was our midfield. J**** has been accused of being invisible. Well this was a masterclass. It wasn’t just the South African Broadcasting Company’s abysmal telescopic coverage that made him near impossible to identify.

We missed Modders, Wilson and Sandro any one of which would have ordinarily usurped him in the picking order.

It was only a friendly. Nothing to get our knickers in a twist about. But if you were weighing up the pros and cons of joining THFC’s playing staff you wouldn’t be swung by this if it was featured in the brochure.

Apologists will talk about ‘regaining fitness levels’ and ‘adjusting the climate’ but it was tepid on the whole and I’d rather they wore someone else’s shirt if they want to serve this fare up in future.

All in all we lacked charm.


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  • wilboid says:

    I had a realisation the other day that our team’s manager is in fact a Mirror journalist? Someone pinch me and tell me it’s not true?

    • LDNYid says:

      Ground control to major tom…Harry has fallen to the dark side and there ain’t nothing we can do. The FA will pinch hime soon though!

  • Sir Cecil says:

    To supporters of other clubs, this has become a choice venue, where Tottenham followers can be seen bad-mouthing their own players and constantly dishing out abuse to their club. Very entertaining indeed, and a source of great hilarity and joy. Please keep it up, it is a true pleasure to see.

    • frontwheel 2 says:

      Its called honest debate

      • essexian76 says:

        Hey,the buffoon’s a Chelsea fan, he wouldn’t understand honesty and independent thought from a mile off…. he has to get his jollies at others expense, that sounds familiar, is voyeurism healthy one wonders?

    • Boy Charioteer says:

      Hmm… I thought you were a figment of medievalworld or something but here you are and you’ve brought mr. obnoxious with you too. He must sit on your shoulder like some demented parrot from a Treasure Island of caricatures. I daresay his knowledge of the beautiful game is as humble as your good self.

    • melcyid says:

      hi thir thecil did you enjoy your good rogering at eton.hope you were wearing your preseason modric shirt at the time on top of you robinho one you got before.

  • Lilywhite says:

    I’m sure it’s much easier said than done w/ buying clubs’ basement offers and inability to pay over the top wages but I’ll say it anyway: sell psb, crouch, penas, hutton & bassong; bring in adebayor (diarra, samba would be nice too).

    We need to cut our losses!

  • edspur says:

    You’ve all been very harsh on our talented squad’s performance yesterday. You do realise they were playing at altitude and so were bound to perform at usual Crouch-level.

  • Tobes43 says:

    Well H, a shot in dark here, NDP is to become “viable” again, Gov coughs up for 106/infrastructure, a la enterprise zone for Haringey.
    Danny L gets funds from OPLC to go away so London gets its bid in for Euro Athletics Champs 2017. New White Hart Lane build commences post haste.

    Am I right? eh? eh?

    • LDNYid says:

      I think you’re about right there son, lets see it happen…

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      The NDP can still be done. Factissimo.

      My problem has been getting facts out of people. I believe I’m halfway there. The NDP can be done. It ought to be done.

      My plan is is shine a bloody light on proceedings and shall we say, ‘escalate’ matters in the best possible interests of us.

      The OS could still be a great alternative. But that’s the word. Alternative. I’ve always made my stance very clear, I won’t have us held hostage by anyone. So if we are threatened to move – do it.

      If we can stay and it’s a stay that doesn’t screw us, we obviously stay.

      The NDP is potentially very doable. A few idiots leaving the field of play will only assist the rest us achieving something rather cool.

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