
Rossi Transfer Imminent, All 3 Goals & A Free Framed Print For Every Reader

Image for Rossi Transfer Imminent, All 3 Goals & A Free Framed Print For Every Reader

Good morning.

Well I hope Luka is savoring the moment. Captain of a cup winning Spurs side. The world at his feet and most Spurs fans at his little Croat throat if it weren’t for a wall of stewards and body guards.

The quality of Van der Vaart’s first goal and the cross by the boy Bale for the Defoe’s were outstanding.

Speculation about potential signings has predictably deteriorated into a cryptic meltdown on message boards, but wading through the Italian press it really does seem that our interest is little more than a bargaining device in relation to Giuseppe Rossi. Perhaps the €30M wouldn’t be an issue but Juve appear to in talks so ‘advanced’ with Villa Real I’m struggling to see why were are even discussing him.

Pipe dream doesn’t come into it. If Tottingham are really waiting in the wings to pounce then Levy & Co must have misread the figures involved for wages etc as being in Lire.

* for your free framed print simply find a picture you’re now bored of, remove it from its frame. Print off a copy of the image above and insert into the old frame.

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  • MysteriousStranger says:

    *Dispatches :ermm:

    Hopefully Twitchy will be “Dispatched” soon :freu

    • crespur says:

      A line from the 70s hit ” You don’t know what you’ve got till it’s gone”. OR, “I’m just wild about Harry”. Mate seriously, there’s so much ‘Arry bashing going on across the internet. it’s no wonder he has picked up a twitching virus. Slate him as a bad coach/manager, person etc., but what’s with the personal slights, that guy looking back at you in the mirror seems to have 3 eyes as per your monicker…Are you from planet Juvenile???

      • MysteriousStranger says:

        “Are you from planet Juvenile???”

        Interesting end line from an adult.

        Fact. Harry WAS on the make at Pompey, getting commissions from player sales. Fact. Harry does talk bollocks. Fact. Harry is in court to face the music, regarding some arrangements. Fact. Harry does not represent Totenham Hotspur in a dignified manner. Jol pisses all over him in that regard. I’ve supported TOTTENHAM for 38 years. I do not think this means I should turn a blind eye because Harry Redknapp was appointed as our manager. I also don’t think he’s done us as many favours as some others would like to believe. I don’t claim to be ITK regarding player signings or current backroom goings on at the club, but I do know certain things about Harry Redknapp’s career history that leave a lot to be desired. I am also sick of him bleating in the press. He couldn’t be bothered to be at our first pre-season game because of his legal issues (yet remarkably such a busy man found time to write his column “This summer’s top transfer targets” in that weekend’s Sunday Mirror. Surely he should work for us first?

        If you’re in the UK, watch the programme on 4od.

        I assume you didn’t. The extract I mentioned was during secret filming of Bryan Robson, ex-England captain, and it was Bryan Robson talking. Exact quotes.

        I guess the personal slight is the bit where I wink after saying “makes things easier when you dismantle a reserve team structure to facilitate these loans of course”?

        Of course we’re going to loan out players without a reserve side. So it does make loaning players out easier. We’ve been left with no other option. You would think the non-playing strikers would have benefited from playing the odd reserve game when we were benching two to play one up front.

        “Are you from planet Juvenile???”

        No, “mate, seriously” I’m not.

        • crespur says:

          MS, your grudge with ‘arry is your choice, No doubt, but to have a go at his personal problems (twitch affliction) and try and pass it off as comedy is low. I too am afflicted with a twitch albeit in my Cock but my Mrs has only loving things to say about it so I can take the jibes. Seeing as you had to point out the longevity of your support, i will do likewise and say 53 years. No i’m not UK based, yes I saw the articles on NOTW some 2 weeks ago on various internet sites and it’s another case of the media witch hunting and sensationalising halfassed comment made.
          You obviously didn’t understand the reasons that Spurs pulled out of the reserve grade league a couple of seasons ago, it was a logical decision made by the board.
          Defoe was injured for the start of last season and sure, we only had 2 strikers and they were played singly in order to accommodate VdV that is the reason 1 was always parked on the bench.
          Jol although likeable was tactically challenged.
          Spurs will not participate in the reserve league in the forseeable future and all the players retained and over the limit for the Nextgen series European league will be loaned out and I’m sure you will find that said loaned out players would concur that they would rather be with a league club be it EPL or lesser league rather than playing in the reserve grade league. They have more chance of being noticed playing in front of 1000s rather than the 50-100 attendees.
          I’ve no problem with your attack on anyone as long as it’s not a personal slight because they look different etc.,

        • Chirpy says:

          Call me old fashioned but I prefer, predominantly, to judge a manager by the club’s record (on the pitch) under his leadership.

          A newspaper column written by the ‘celebrity’ concerned, now that is funny.

  • Morgan says:

    How did we get into the final,when we had 1draw and a loss,1point. Chiefs 1win and a loss,3points and Pirates, 1win and a draw, 4pts. Doesnt that make a chiefs and pirates final? Or am I being really really dumb? ……Actually, can you just answer the former rather than the latter!

    • emspurs says:

      we were always going to be in the final, regardless of what happened in previous matches.

      ah, the perks of being a top top premier league club.

      • Morgan says:

        Hardly a final then with a cup to win is it. Its a final match, but they should be embarrassed to pick the cup up, knowing its for a tourn they havent won.

    • crespur says:

      3 exhibition matches 1 final that Spurs were always going to participate in (Sponsors agreement) as was the case in 2007, and also the same when ManU an ManC participated…Don’t really want to answer the 2nd part, but if you had asked whether you’re dumb or not …..Yes…

      • MysteriousStranger says:

        Someone has got the arse tonight. Guess it’s you Crespur.

        • crespur says:

          Actually mate if you allow me to brag a little (even in my sexagenarian years) I was up (if you get my drift ) at 3:30 this morning and it was nice to have my Mrs moaning about something entirely different other than the humdrum of life…

        • Toddspur says:

          You have a habit of getting people’s goat though MS. I guess you can’t help yourself where our manager is concerned

        • MysteriousStranger says:

          Yours especially I would guess, Todd :freu

          If you noticed, I am not the only one who dislikes “our” manager.

          And Crespur – bragging about shit like that is akin to you telling the world on twitter anywhere else how great a Dad you are – You’re supposed to be, so there really is nothing for you to talk about. Bragging about having sex at “53”? Very adult behaviour indeed, for one who is not “a Juvenile”. :blink:

        • toddspur says:

          thankfully you haters are in the minority. You only annoy me cos I hate negativity; its one of my failings (but one of your qualities)

          Oh and to the best of my knowledge I still dont know who you want to replace him? You’ve had months to respond to that one yet still I wait??

          I simply dont understand the rest of your message and overuse of emoticons. I did understand Crespurs message which was based around humour; perhaps thats why you didnt get it? (insert random emoticon) :cwy:

        • crespur says:

          MS Sexagenarian isn’t 50s it’s 60s. Did I mention I was a dad? as Toddspur says you’ve got a problem that the ill-informed few share. I guess from your juvenile outbursts trying to big yourself up in the adult world proves that even at your age some males frontal lobe never develops. You try to make comedic jokes at others expense and ironically you fail to see the humour in others. As you’re delving into the depths of personal attacks I now fully understand your non-de plume Strange and a Mystery I guess your folk are still trying to fathom you out you silly juvenile boy…Cheers mate

        • MysteriousStranger says:

          Crespur, no, you didn’t mention you were a Dad. Nor did I. I merely stated that bragging about sex on a social platform is as pathetic as bragging about being a good Dad. As I said, You’re supposed to. I doff my cap to you as I did not pay too much attention to the sexagenarian quote, rather the 53 years bit.

          So congratulations. You on the one hand call someone dumb, another person juvenile, making frontal lobe development remarks – and therefore proceed to make your own personal slights at the expense of others not called Harry Redknapp, whilst criticising others for doing so. You are so evidently clever.

          And stop with the mate shit. You aren’t any wiser for patronising me, and certainly not my “mate”. At this point I suppose I am supposed to call you “old man”, am I? And you don’t know “my folk”, either – so take your assumptions about me elsewhere.

        • crespur says:

          MS! well at least I know where I stand as far as you are concerned. Never called the guy dumb (read carefully ) I said yes/no. You’ve obviously got an axe to grind, may I suggest you hew into that large chip on your shoulder. Could care less what you call me, it wouldn’t be anywhere as disparaging as the comments you make about ‘Arry. and those are only done because you can hide behind your keyboard. Done with this goodbye…

  • Alspur says:

    Very tenuous link, but WELL DONE, URUGUAY for winning the 2011 Copa America…

    …one of our striker links, Forlan, scored twice in the 3-0 victory over Paraguay – Suarez got the other…

    It seems we were heavily linked with Suarez in January, so it galls me that we never sealed the deal, as he was named the player of the tournament. I have absolutely no doubt that he will do well for the dippers, next year…

    In fact, he’s EXACTLY the type of striker we need(ed): quick, aggressive, hard-working and a constant goal threat…

  • Avisie says:

    Lovely stuff. VDV being a true pro. I for one am thankful he is committed to the club. Great work from Bale too. Even JD scored? Its all looking up

  • Harry Hotspur says:

    Just on the Arry & HMRC and Arry & the Dispatches programme, I’ve deliberately skirted the issues as I can do without being sued.

    • crespur says:

      Good decision, it’s a sleeping dog you don’t want to poke with a stick or nudge with a keyboard…

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