
Spurs Striker Spotted At Sunderland!

Image for Spurs Striker Spotted At Sunderland!


Reports flying in of activity at The Stadium of Light and we’re not talking about Niall Quinn declaring today, ‘Naked Friday.’ Again.

The Neopolitan Swordsman, aka Jermain Defoe has been spotted on the premises. Is he on the verge of becoming Barren Dent 3.0? Is he having a go on one of the girls from their Club Shop? Or perhaps he was simply taking the stadium tour?

Time will tell.

The news comes via @windyCOYS who passes on the sighting via a friend at SAFC in very good faith. If you’re interested in our U18 players and such then Windy’s blog is a comprehensive place to click HERE for any Spurs fan.

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  • Onedavemackay says:

    Didn’t Defoe leave a year ago or is that just what it seems like?

  • rogerspurs says:

    Gyan’s first name is Asamoah – as in Asamaoh..he’s a yiddo(ah)! At least we won’t have to learn a new song!
    And my throat won’t hurt shouting at Defoe to get on-side.

  • BaconFlavouredSnackHead says:

    For one glorious yet fleeting moment I thought it was going to be 3MP…

    • MysteriousStranger says:

      Either him or Defoe, makes no difference, they’re both overrated.

      The fact it’s supposed to be one of them is a bonus.

  • rogerspurs says:

    Maybe the visit to Sunderland was a medical at the ‘special’ clinic for naughty boys with sore knobs.

  • BaconFlavouredSnackHead says:

    Gyan is already bordering on being better than Defoe, and he’s only been in the country for a year! I think over the course of a 4 year contract he could be a very good performer. Sure, he’s no Messi, but I think he shows plenty of promise and, to coin a phrase, seems to always put in the mandatory 110%.

    I’d be happy if this happens.

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