
Spurs Striker Spotted At Sunderland!

Image for Spurs Striker Spotted At Sunderland!


Reports flying in of activity at The Stadium of Light and we’re not talking about Niall Quinn declaring today, ‘Naked Friday.’ Again.

The Neopolitan Swordsman, aka Jermain Defoe has been spotted on the premises. Is he on the verge of becoming Barren Dent 3.0? Is he having a go on one of the girls from their Club Shop? Or perhaps he was simply taking the stadium tour?

Time will tell.

The news comes via @windyCOYS who passes on the sighting via a friend at SAFC in very good faith. If you’re interested in our U18 players and such then Windy’s blog is a comprehensive place to click HERE for any Spurs fan.

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  • melcyid says:

    have we become the mackems feeder club?

  • melcyid says:

    I heard that Dazza B out danced the mackem mover, It was curtains for him after that ,their fans have never forgiven him as he was their idol for bustin a move and it took them years to perfect the drops to the floor and springing up again not to any particular rythym I might add.

  • Iver Biggen says:

    Kulveer Ranger?? He works for Boris the biker Johnson ,sorting out transport for wonder all buses turn up together.

  • some twit in local gov in Scotland says:

    Harry Hotspur Reply:
    July 8th, 2011 at 5:38 pm
    Is this Horny Helen or some twit in local gov in Scotland?

    Steady oan mr hotspur. us jocks hae provided tottenham hotspur wi’ mony ootstandin’ players doon th’ years.

    Ur mebbe ye fancy a Glasgee kiss?

    • melcyid says:

      are you a wee cowerin timrous beastie?

    • Harry Hotspur says:

      Ah yes, the indomitable celt. Lang may yer rum leek and all that.

      I love Scotchman. Their bars that never close, their tattooed bearded ladies and the Midges Forecast on the wireless before bedtime.

      Alas this blog has been visited by a sexually confused kitten of your kin. Yer Ken?

      All manner of deviant dialogue, from damp undergarments to things I can’t even repeat. The sad revelation of his true identity came when said ‘Horny Helen’ actually used his real work email in the comments submission box.

      But I am sure you’re comparatively normal. So welcome.


  • Spurfect says:

    Hahaha! My god.take a bow mr hotspur, you’ve actually provided the souce material for the latest piece of made up news from the hacks at the mail with this thread. No more proof needed they make it all up. They’ve been reading your blog and fashioned it into news. Check dis out as the homies say…

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