
SSN News Understands… £27M Bid In.

Image for SSN News Understands… £27M Bid In.

Good evening.

I’m just looking for perspective. This is because aside from being able to spot  the obvious contempt women can have for me occasionally, I know I’m not psychic.

Nasri & Fabregas for shall we say – ‘illustrative purposes’ – are fat pickings. Little or nothing left on their contracts. Berbatov’s contract had run down.

So how in the name of Allah is a Tottinghams player with the wrong end of 5 years on his contract only worth £27M? Pee off, Roman.

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  • essexian76 says:

    Has anyone informed Harry that he never got the Chelsea job?, just wonderin’ But 27 million, that’ll swing it, well maybe it just enforces our case for the tapping up trial, bloody hell Chelsea must have money to burn?

  • AFelching says:

    He is not for sale, Levy said so END OF STORY. SSN and the DM can have as big a wankfest as they like because it aint happening. I am delighted with Levy’s stance, a good size 9 boot up the Croats arse next please Danny :daumen:

  • David says:

    Really lads the solution is to transfer him to Man City or Arsenal. Fergie, who has been lurking in the reeds on all this, would throw his bottle out of the pram and Abromovich would send all his admin staff to Siberia.

  • edspur says:

    Sell Ratboy to the goons?!

  • paxmanroadend says:

    Lets face it football has changed. We are living in the past in a stadium from the past. Chavski have won the league 4 times us twice. We havent won it for 50 bloody years. The Chavs are bigger than us and whatever Daniel says if a big club like Chelsea comes in then our players will go – they want to win stuff like the league and the champions league not finish 5th every year and play in some second rate European cup

    • emspurs says:

      honestly, cecil, you’ve fooled no one, but referring to the team you ‘support’ as chavski is mildly amusing. Also, accurate.

      • Sir Cecil says:

        No, that wasn’t me. I have no desire at all to disguise my breeding and intellect by pretending to be someone else.
        However, I must say paxmanroadend does make some valid points.

    • Alspur says:

      Let’s face it, football has changed: the Fair Play financial rules have been introduced so, who knows: this may be the last chance for the soul-less billionaires to rip the hearts out of other teams, before UEFA start reeling them in…

      …oh, and one more thing: what’s the average age of your squad, Sir Cecil? Still going to be relying on Terry and Lampard in 3 years’ time? I thought not…

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