
The NDP, Funding Transfers, Stratford, Pricing, Judical Reviews & We Are N17

Image for The NDP, Funding Transfers, Stratford, Pricing, Judical Reviews & We Are N17

Good morning.

And so here are the results of the Supporters Survey. And my thoughts at no extra charge …you lucky people.

So my sneaking suspicions were confirmed. The capacity figures at The Lane appear to be right and the bulk of you don’t attend every game home and away. The bulk of you do you bit and join in as and when you can.

So the message there is perhaps not, ‘sack the publicist’ but certainly tell them to buck their ideas up? The Trust may win more friends and thus more clout and respect if they made an effort to venture out of their archaic looking website, scrap membership restrictions and embrace the whole concept of openess. There are some cracking minds online THST, but you’ll have to come to them.

Remarkably positive responsive I’d say.

The pay out reluctantly figure would be the one to work on then. THFC merchandise punters are more motivated than your average punter shopping for a t shirt or a jacket because they live and breathe the brand on such an emotional level. You add the reluctant punters to the never shop figure and you’ve a third of your virtually brainwashed customer base who are still refusing to hand over geld gladly. THFC, your buying sucks.

This reflected Question 1. Most fans don’t routinely get to games so money for players out weighed access to tickets. The better facilities figure was higher than I anticipated. Oh White Hart, thou outdated beast. 14 people were obviously so fecking nervous they were somehow backing a move to Stratford on this one they screamed, “I see no benefits!!!’ Michael McKintyre stylee. Bless.

And so the 14 Herberts from the previous question snowballed. To 122 good folk who would never darken a new stadium’s door. My hunch is that they won’t be missed. God help the poor schmucks who have to listen to then chunter when meeting up with these visionaries at away matches.

Bobby Kennedy said that at any one time, 20% of the people are against anything. So Levy & Co desperately need to work on shaving that 1% down.

Proof that most people knew what the plan was. But why was the communication so poor that a quarter of fans were ‘out of the loop’?

As per question 8. Only worse. 50% of supporters didn’t have a clue. Come on Tottenham. Talk to us.

A third of you backed the Bed Sheet Initiative. Two thirds did not. The sooner these low brow clown school drop out pressure groups leave the field of play the better. An intelligent exchange of thoughtful dialogue is the only way forward.

‘We Are N17!’

Of course you are.

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  • Astromesmo says:

    Some interesting status showing (I think) a particularly mature fanbase that isn’t being acknowledged by the people setting themselves out to serve them.

    1. The club need to realise that we don’t sit hanging on their every word and that they don’t need to try and spin us like the ‘happy clappy’ FIFA news (Where nothing controversial EVER happens in football and there wasn’t even a mention of three yellow cards when Poll had his finest moment).

    2. THST & their ilk need to stop behaving like they’re at Hogwarts and modernise. We are all media savvy people and we own communication devices… With pictures on… Embrace it.

    3. THFC fans in general need to stop looking at things in terms of tabloid newspapers (Love/Hate/sack/promote/kiss/kill) and start realising that there are issues in running and funding a modern football club – ‘Levy, Sort it!’ Is not you having positive input into the running of your club.

    Bring on the new era Hotspur, you’ll get my vote.

    Go do that voodoo, that you do, soooo wellllllllllllll !!!

  • essexian76 says:

    My own belief is simply irrespective of the obvious benefits, income stream, status, retention of quality players, better transport links and that I can park my Cortina (circa 1963). Daniel (Balls of Solid Steel or the Boss to you and I) Levy, will never be accepted for the visionary that he is. Haringey and TFL have never offered him anything tangible, yet to improve transport links requires little effort as Northumberland Park can be utilized. Their(HB-TFL) demands are both expensive and un-necessarily prohibitive, especially when you consider THFC PLC are expected to foot the total bill.Could a better PR job have been done?, no, as the old saying goes “Never try to reason out what’s never been reasoned in” So apt I feel!

  • TMWNN says:

    I love this blog. But like Shelfside, I don’t fit in with the agenda of this latest offering, so I’ll duck out quickly before the back patting becomes overwhelming.

    Levy = God, Haringey = The Devil, Stratford = Heaven, Tottenham = Hell, Anti-Stratford = stupid, Pro-Stratford = clever etc. etc.

  • melcyid says:

    Well done TMWNN you got all your ducks in a row, you do fit in despite the negative view of yourself. :winke:

  • Bruxie says:

    Unfortunately the world doesn’t move at the pace that we wish.

    Hence, in this case, we find ourselves at an impasse – seeking public funding for the NDP and keeping our toe in the water at Stratford.

    How many people have changed their minds about our proposed plans in the last few months?

    It seems that the drip, drip approach to keeping everyone informed is working. It’s quite possible that there is a feeling that world is against us and if we did move to Stratford it would be as a last resort.

    I sense a victory quite soon in pulling in the missing £50m for NDP. But I also sense a narrowing of the gap between the pragmatic fans like myself and the various pressure groups.

    To see our bid for Stratford, whether you liked it or not, become a victim of badly conducted procurement procedures (at the vey least)is somehow an insult to all ‘Spurs fans. I’ll wager our N17 felt a little “how very dare they do that to us” moment.

    We shall see…but I don’t think it’s in the fans’ hands.

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