
Transfer Meltdown Spurs Sign Inertia For Undisclosed Fee

Image for Transfer Meltdown Spurs Sign Inertia For Undisclosed Fee

The footballing world was spun off it’s axis and said to have ‘done itself an injury’ this afternoon as the news emerged that Tottingham Hotspur still hadn’t signed anyone since the last time the F5 button was lovingly plunged inward.

Nobody in the Premiership has ever been linked with quite so many strikers since the Barristers representing Ashley Cole and John Terry had a quick tot up.

Who’s coming in? Apparently Leandro is done. Dusted, packed and waiting for his horse drawn carriage to whisk him off to the airport. My view is that he isn’t done, there’s no one else interested in him and we’re waiting as ever for some poor bar steward to take on our current super stars off our hands.

So who’s leaving? An insane tale doing the rounds yesterday was that some Russian firm were in for Pav. If you listen to the voices of dissent on your average football forum, getting £13m for our best out and out striker is a result and only girls and nancy boys sing his name in the stadium. This blog will be experiencing some downtime shortly, as I get the domain and the sign changed to Hilda Hotpants.

Defoe and Azza are playing an interesting and indeed dangerous game. Via their agents (of course, do you really think most journalists have to ever actually make stuff up?) we get thinly veiled threats of move to the French and the Scousers respectively.

I’d love us to have a ballsy manager again, wouldn’t you?. A Billy Nick or a Cloughie. “I understand you wish to play football in Liverpool, young man? Well enclosed with your cards you will find a standard class rail ticket to Lime Street.” On these guys who threaten, but rarely really deliver we ought simply call their bluff.

Modders was not only declared to be wanting out, but rumoured as beginning to get a bit antsy. Antsy in his Croatian panties. This too I put down to his agent and of course Cheatski who would love to be a sophisticated as Sluralix at tapping people up but are too dumb to even manage that. We will have to see if their manager for this forthcoming season wants to start really making a proper bid.

Spurs fans aren’t the worst in the world but we are constantly on the lookout for a new Messiah. Life Of Brian isn’t that half of it. ‘Rossi? Oh he’s the absolutes Terrier’s Testicles, I should know. I’ve followed a few!’

So what becomes of the broken hearted? Not my words friends, but those of Mr Jimmy Ruffin. They appear to hit the F5 button a fair bit.And that simply isn’t fair. Why don’t we have a strategy?

THFC stated in their recent meeting with the Supporters Trust that this last minute transfer window fiasco/frenzy wasn’t how it looked. They were actually focused upon concluding their business sooner rather than later.

Levy & Co need to convert these admirable thoughts into deeds and get on with it. We knew this situation was looming. Preparation, preparation, preparation. We must know what we might realistically get for some of the chancers on our books and so we must sell.

Begbie for example. Word was that Steve Bruce wanted him, but not at our price. Classic example. Sell. Cut and run. Jenas? Some cad must be half interested in him. Sell. Cut and run. Keane? Ditto. If either of those two midgets mentioned previously aren’t 100% committed like Van der Vaart is, ship’em out. The only men worth fighting for are the men prepared to fight for us.

NDP appears to be somewhat of  a naffing diabolical struggle but we might just get there. We need to get back into the Champions League and pronto. In a nutshell this inertia is killing us and we need some action.


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  • perrymann says:

    We are now talkin’turkey on the NDP without which we will not attract established top players.Upson as a free will be our only add to the back line and any player over thirty will not be signed for big dosh.Modric will be off for top cash,PSB owes us nothing so will be sold for a small sum 4 mil or so.One of the strikers will be off but will not be replaced by an expensive one.Bargains and Frees will be the buzzword this window.Waiting for bigger stadium and bedding in of youth within the next 3 seasons.One or two fringe players might go like J**** and a rb but i would not expect much more also expect Niko to stay.

  • b greenway says:

    fxxxx you h h you’ve frightened all the itks off anyone could have told you inertia is a non starter without his strike partner impetus . :-p

  • nicktheyid says:

    all in all imho i think we have a decent squad.will our strikers ever have such a barren season again? i think not,new is not neccessarily better as anyone who regularly changes mobile phones will get the latest fad but lose the one function you used most.pace doesnt = goals.the biggest problem last season was in the games we needed to hold the ball up top nobody could do it.get pav working at playing with his back to goal rather than the crazy horse style and we could have another pop at the CL

    • 4 Ever Hopeful says:

      Well I’d like to know where the goals are going to come from next season. Keane is finished and £2m for him is about right, and the other three strikers are unikely to improve. Modders, Thudd, Sandro and Lennon are hardly prolific so we are left with Bale and 3/4 of a game three weeks out of four from VdV. I still say that Kevin Nolan would have been a decent buy and preferable to Parker (though that one thankfully seems to be going a bit cold)

    • crespur says:

      Defoe took a month or 10 to find the net the other 2 weren’t crash hot either. Couldn’t play alone and couldn’t play with each other. Wrong set of front players for the rest of the squad. More of a wave length/frequency thing. To back that up when was the last time Spurs headed the stats for goals scored outside the box. We just don’t seem to score many from inside the 6yd box.

  • Dublin YID says:

    Not too long ago, I wouldn’t dream of pointing the finger at HR, but alas I cannot see the blame coming from anywhere else. Yes we have a very strong squad, but not that cryptic to mould into a perfect formation. My gripe with HR is his inane nepotism towards his little prefects ( or lick arses as we call them in Dublin ) in the team, like Defoe and Crouch. His desire to call on his ex’s like Parker and Cole don’t bear well. I was at the West Brom game and couldn’t believe why he A; he didin’t start Lennon and B: why he only came on in the 70th minute and C: why he played him on the left when all we had was Kaboul on the right who was clearly instructed not to go 10yards further than tthe half way line leaving no one on the right wing. Stupid things like that of which there were many to note, make me believe that HR has a tunnel vision approach to his trade

  • SESpur says:

    Hear hear. Good read.

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